Flower City?

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Character Status : Asia Emiyo


The square represents the reader alive status. Right now Asia is on the brink of death.

The bar will begin to fill with hearts, when the bar fills fully it will show the progress of Asia's state.


The city was in flames, in ruins. The cars were thrown around the city in a disorganized manner, a way a car shouldn't be parked to being with.

The people let out screams as they fled the area. Heroes assigned to certain parts of the city for different reasons of finding information about the Nomus.

AFO smiled down at his work as the girls body sparked red and black. He was upset that he couldn't take her quirk, the years of searching and it happens that he can't take it.

He can always wake her up and heal her to try again later, but he had stuff to do of course.

He slowly turned around, trying his best to limit and keep control of his anger. He could see the mortified faces of the heroes he had just massacred, as he stared down at Best Jeanist.
Who had saw the whole thing, or parts of it.

He couldn't tell what was happening, so he needed to observe the situation first. But he wasn't so good at that since AFO did see him and the heroes that accompanied him.

He tried to unleash an attack on the man, but his strength was nothing compared to the heroes that grouped the area. In seconds AFO had everyone sprawled out on the floor, looking as pathetic as ever.

He clapped for the number four hero, probably out of pity and amusement. To attack someone that you know is way stronger than you must take a lot of guts and determination. He had to give him props for that, he was a "hero" anyways.

But he wasn't in the mood. With his plan failing incredibly. The girl laying on the floor, covered in what it seems to be like is shockwaves. It seems that they have chosen to fight him at the wrong time.

The time where he wants to let all of his anger out, it was a good try.

MT.Lady, Orcra, all of them laid helpless and unconscious. Best Jeanist was laying wide open on the floor, his throat clogged making him unable to speak. The small attack the he had unleashed on the heroes, put them  to rest quickly in a matter of time.

He only noticed now that the student that was in there took a direct punch, they were definitely dead. " That blast should have eliminated a lot of you." He said as he mocked the heroes.

The memory of not even five minutes ago when AFO unleashed the attack. The first blast was unexpected for them, the blast was to the girl.  That same blast is also what happened to tired out the heroes from afar with no effort.

The second blast was directly to them, and wrecked them completely.
" but you were able to manipulate everyone's clothing and pull them out of the way just in time." He said.

" consider me... impressed." He spoke as Jeanist stared helpless at him. AFO could crush him right now as they speak. " Oh? Are you staring at me like that because of what I did back there?" He asked teasingly.

Jeanist's eyes were wide open, the student was obviously dead. There was no way that they could have or even possibly survived a direct punch like that. A punch that managed to even affect them from afar.

The mans stance alone was terrifying to the core.
A battle was starting

ASIAS POV ( Play sound above!)

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