Dont let them know...

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was no one else smelling that foul smell that she smelt? Was she the only one who smelt it, because  she had adjusted her nose to this awful smell? She turned her head to Shoto only to find that he was not there.

She turned her head around in different directions, hoping that someone had smelt it as well. She was trying to look for someone who held the same reaction to the smell as her. But no one did just yet.

She was beginning to think that she maybe just got to use to the smell of flames.

" Izuku..." she trailed off as she looked up the mountain. The sight was indeed horrifying and she had to check to make sure it wasn't her imagination. " black smoke." Izuku said pulling Asia closer to him.

She was hesitant. She didn't want to be right behind anyone, didn't want to stand in the back because that never works out, and didn't want to be to close to the others. But in a situation like this, she didn't know if she wanted to be far from here or close to someone.

" maybe a fire on the mountain?" Someone suggested making Asia mentally roll her eyes. What else could have started black smoke? The only time black smoke appears is when the flames are super hot, and are being fed a lot of oxygen.

She was debating if she should say that or not. She didn't want to say something which would freak all her classmates out. That was the last thing she wanted.

As she was nervously shifting her body and rubbing her arm. Her nose was becoming delicate to the familiar smell. It was almost like her scent game has gotten stronger, especially with burnt things.

If this was a attack like she was thinking, than that only added to her worry more. She was practically defenceless, and was exhausted from the days training.

A certain someone was in the woods burning up the trees with their flames.
Like she predicted, black smoke usually appears when the flames are incredibly strong. Or appear if the flames are being fed oxygen.

With his blue flames heating up the trees which carried tons of oxygen, the girl was once again deemed right.

Villains began to emerge from the forest, a knocked out Pixie Bob with a bloody head laid on the ground before she could even understand the situation

. " they weren't supposed to know the location! " Mineta said shocked and terrified as he took staggered steps back.

Asia was shocked as well. Their teacher was laying on the ground out cold, with the heroes in training left to defend themselves.

" PIXIE BOB!" Izuku and Asia said at the same time. Izuku's teeth gritted as the realization hit him quick.


Asia stared carefully at the black smoke that got darker each second that passed. She believes that Izuku forgot that she was practically drained from her training, and her energy was incredibly low.

Her mind wandered to her quirk, were they possibly after her? Have they figured it out? Who are they after? They couldn't have possibly figured it out that fast!
The questions wandered through her mind as she stared at the two emerging villains.

A evil smile on their faces. Their eyes finding way to Asia, but just as they landed on her they were off of her. She squinted her eyes as she took steps back, trying to cover up her tiredness.

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