Akane Tendo~ Bright Red

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I'm going to try a new layout just for fun, tell me if you like the shapes of the paragraphs.

YALL THE CHAPTER HAS SURPASSED 12,000 words😭😭😭 I'm so sorry for the once a week updates I have been giving. But I'm working on two chapters at the same time. The sequel and the chapter before. The one that I said will take long.

This chapter I'm working on is wayyyy passed eight thousand words, and is taking time to edit. Yet I'm not even done writing the chapter...

Forgive me please. 



The young girl was immediately pushed through the portal. Her eyes widening in shock as she moved her arms weirdly, attempting to find something to latch onto to stop the fall. But of course she found nothing, making her body loose balance as she fell closer to the light.
Her eyes met Saitama, who was standing there in front of her. A prideful smile on his face, showing how proud he is of her accomplishments with him. The look on his face was heart warming to her. It showed that he too was thankful.

      Her eyes were still wide as she saw Saitama's body move up in her vision. But he was actually as still as ever, just her body was falling down. Down into the portal were she would spend important time.
Her body fell directly down into the portal. The beating of her chest getting louder as she realized it was just an abyss of light. Like some sort of light tunnel she was falling through.

Her mind went to the reality world, where all of her friends remained making progress at. While she was in the brith garden. A garden of greenery that represents the beauty of life.

      She clenched her first tightly as the wind blowed in her hair. Pushing the long white cloth on her body in a movement that matched the wind. She furrowed her eyebrows tightly as she focused her mind onto the soles of her feet.
Her nails starting  to dig into her palms as she felt some sparks gather in her feet.
She could feel the air getting less violent, her dress moving less rapid. Letting her know that she was indeed reaching the end of this never ending fall.

The water jets immediately blasted from her feet. The force and power on her lower body, letting her have enough time to change her upper body to a upright position.
Her arms quickly went out to her side, holding the form of airplane wings for balance.

       After flailing her arms around the place, attempting to even herself out in the air. It didn't take long before her body was equally leveled out. Watching her own frame as the water skies brought her closer to ground.
Granting her a safe landing on the surface. Her body quickly calmed down when she realized that she was no longer in danger, with a fall that was dangerous enough to kill her.

She let out a breath that she didn't know she was holding in. Thanking her quick thinking and meditating skills, for being able to keep her mind well. The power off her jet skies for keeping her body upright, and not allowing her to flap over like an actual bird.

     She slowly let the water remove from her feet, letting it evaporate into steam and releasing it in the air. The feeling of her sore feet suddenly going back to being weightless was refreshing.
She massaged her sore heel with the palm of her hand. Letting her self close her eyes in bliss from the relaxation of her muscles.

Her eyes quickly shot open as she felt a sudden violent yet calm presence approaching fast. Not bothering to scan the area, her sharpened instincts quickly told her that she was being rushed from the left.

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