Bright light

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" we will get everyone back safely. That's all that matters! I'll be there for Asia!" Izuku noted in his head. The eye contact him and Shoto were making was intense. It was like they were talking to each other through their heads, both having the same thoughts.

Was Asia safe?
Though Shoji did try to reassured the boys, them being her best friends and supposed to be boyfriend, it was their duty to make sure each other were safe.

They haven't seen her since the attack started, and the whole situation is a little too sketchy. It wasn't long before the group ran into some classmates, to be specific it was Uraraka and Asuii.

" if your protecting Bakugo, then.... shouldn't he be standing here with you guys?" Asuii asked as she observed the group. Izuku's face twisted in confusion at her statement. The last time he checked, Bakugo was just behind them. Before they ran into the girls, he was just thinking of Asia.

" huuhhh?... what are you talking about?" He trailed off as he turned his head to look behind him. " hes right over here behind us- eh?" He said ,as all he saw was a dark pathway.

He was shocked. He thought they were doing well protecting Bakugo, even though he should be walking in the middle of them all. He was right behind them a moment ago, and now he is gone.

Izuku stared with wide eyes, as a gasp left his mouth. " nice trick isn't it?" A voice said from above. Izuku's eyes slowly went to the sound of the voice, already knowing that it was trouble. " I took the lad you were talking about with my magiccc" the villain confidently spoke.

Shoto's eyes perked up at the thought that this villains could just take people so silently. If that was the case, a lot of student could have been took by the villain. The league of villains got smarter. Their not attacking with hundreds of villains. No, petty thief's who have a weak super power, and useless brain.

They made a full out plan to attack with a small group of well known, and powerful villains. Quirks that could help them reach their goal. The villain in front of them is proof that this attack of the league was well thought.

Izuku's shocked expression quickly turned into a glare. " Give him backkk!" He hissed furious. The villain made a confused face, though the group could not see it. For what he knew, he had two marbles worth two students.

Asia Emiyo, and Katsuki Bakugo.

But Asia was not allowed to be known, in other words they weren't supposed to let people know they were after her. So they used Bakugo as a way to cover up their main target, Asia.

But don't get them wrong, they still want Bakugo.

Just not as much as Asia.

" "him"? You mean they?..." the villain said making Izuku furrow his eye brows. His first thought was that he probably had more students in those marbles of his. Than he realized that if that's the case, Asia could be one of them.

The villain chuckled at Izuku's facial expression, honestly finding it amusing on how they haven't realized that she's missing.
Maybe it because he kidnapped her when she was all alone. So her friends were/ are  probably late to catch on.

" what an odd thing to say.... Bakugo doesn't belong to anyone." The villain slyly said. He wasn't going to speak on the other student he took, he didn't want to ruin the plan whatsoever. The group stared above them as they closely watched the figure.

" yes. He's his own person. Don't be so arrogant." He replied smugly as he knew what he said was partially true. " WE WILL STOP YOU!" Izuku yelled out, not accepting what was supposed to happen what so ever.

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