I like you... i've always have

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hair looks like that kinda) buckle up


There's a couple more days till camp officially starts for the students, taking their last chance Asia Emiyo and Izuku Midoriya's date sets today. Asia and Izuku were both getting ready for their date in their house. This was the day the young girl was going to tell him of her and All Mighys history. While she would tell her dear friend Shoto after the date.

Since she couldn't find a good time to tell the two, she decided that it would be best to tell them on the same day, that would also be easier. She changed into her outfit that she planned on wearing. She had no idea where Izuku was planning on taking her, so she didn't want to over dress.

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She threw on her outfit and began to do her hair. When Asia was finally done she grabbed her phone off of her bed and made her way down stairs. ( I don't want to spend to much of the words in her getting ready...)

When Izuku finally arrived at her house she was greeted with her green fluffy haired friend. " hey Asia!" Izuku happily exclaimed, though on the insides he was incredibly nervous, and was trying his hardest to make sure his legs don't wobble on him.

Asia smiled back nervously as she gave a small wave, afraid that if she even spoke her voice would completely betray her. Izuku's eyes wandered to her outfit, as his green orbs went over her entire body for a brief moment. She rubbed her elbow as she was begging to question her choice of clothes.

" I-uh do I look bad?" She questioned him as she shifted under his gaze. Izuku perked up as his eyes widen, " no Asia! You look great!" He said smiling at her. Asia nodded as she placed her phone in her Minnie purse and stepped out of her home.

Izuku smiled at her as he held a hand out for her to grab, which she gladly took. To say he wasn't nervous was a lie, he was very giddy to see if the girl had the same feelings as him. Ever since he seen her he always acted different around her.

He was kind to everyone he met, yes. So when he first came to UA, talking to people without being bullied was new for him. Especially if they were girls. It was a new start for him to talk to people his age, without him being quirkless mentioned in the conversation.

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