First Day At UA

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I think this chapter will also be long, but i don't know if i will do the quirk test is this chapter or the next sooooo enjoy ig😏


I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing, my face was smushed into my pillow, my blanket and bed was a mess. I just rolled my eyes, all ready in a bad mood.

Then it hit me ...." TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF UA!!!" I practically screamed. I jumped out of bed and made a dash to my mirror. Lord I looked like a mess, and my hair looked like a nest.

I immediately ran to my bed, and made it perfectly knowing I'll regret it when I come back from school, and then I did the dash to my washroom.

I brushed my teeth, and washed my hands so I can put water on my face. Now that my face was damp, I took cleanser and moisturizer it into my skin.

I got my uniform out onto my bed and got out of my nightwear before running back to the washroom.

I took my shower and rinsed of the cleanser in the shower, doing my regular shower routine.
When I finished I got out and wrapped my body, and put lotion on. I slipped on my uniform and grabbed my phone, book bag, and other school materials.

I made my way downstairs and got out a muffin from the fridge. It took around 10 minuets to eat it so I was honestly good.

My mom and dad made their way downstairs to also eat breakfast. We just had small talk about strategy, and being prepared.

When we were all done we made our way to the car and peacefully drove to school in a comfortable silence. Mostly because it was still pretty early in the morning.

When we arrived at UA, I got out of the car and said a quick bye, as they smiled and waved at me. I made my way to the gates and took a breath before walking in.


Today was the first day of UA for Asia, and the beginning of her hero career.

"I can't believe how big this place is..." she mumbled, tightening the grip of her hands in her bag. The girl slightly sticking out due to her giant Afro. If you were to see Asia by herself not knowing her, lots would assume her hair has something to do with her quirk. But it doesn't.

She made her way down the halls taking in every detail, until she arrives at class 1-A. She knew that people were split up into 2 classes for the hero course. She happened to be placed in 1-A.

Instead of Asia to pay attention to her surroundings, before she knew it she bumped into a green hair boy. They both both let out a small squeak at the sudden interaction.

"S-S-Sorry" he mumbled. A slight blush forming on his cheeks. She could have swore he was shaking . "N-No I should b-be saying that, it was my fault for not paying attention" Asia stammered out.

"It's okay" the boy responded nervously, scratching his neck with a blush still noticeable on his cheeks.

" I-I'm Midoriya" he said blushing more.

"Hi Midoriya! I'm Emiyo, but please call me Asia" she said with a small smile. Although he could only see half of her face, he knew she was smiling.

Asia preferred being called "Asia" because she felt like that was her ACTUAL name. She has a feeling that one of her parents named her Asia. So she just goes by it, since it's the only thing her parents did for her.

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