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"He didn't have anyone else; he was different from the rest, having ice powers - which no one else had. However, one day he meets his equivalent but opposite, who handles fire powers."

Shunned by the world, I was never wanted in places where ordinary humans roamed and owned land. I was an outcast to them all; a mere pitiful mistake that occured due to the ice moon's sudden appearance one night during winter. I was the cursed winter child, for my eyes would become the hint of baby blue—glass-like.

"Can't you do anything right!?" My father would scold me, constantly shouting at me for messing up or acting out of the normal. It wasn't my fault; i did not know how to control this power. "You're the reason I'm losing profit." Mother would say to me. I would scare the customers away.

We were simply a family with a business, along with other small families in this town, yet because of my mishap, people were frightened to even come near my parents and their business - fearful I would be there, frightened at the fact I could do something to them, when I really wouldn't. I was...an abomination, I would hear the people whisper about me whenever I went to do my parents' bidding.


"Go away."

"You're ruining this place."

Everything I would hear...it felt as my heart was on the verge of shattering, feeling as if I was on thin ice, about to fall into dismay of what was yet to come.

I couldn't stand the look of disgust my father would hold in his eyes, knowing well he wanted to rip my throat apart - toss me into the frozen lakes, to watch my fragile body clash against the rock-hard ice. He hated me now; he loathed me since I had become different.

I wish it was like in the past - where I at least had one person there for me. Those times where I had a friend, a friend who truly cared unlike my parents and the people.

The people rallied up one day, knocking furiously at the front door of my small, safe home. My mother was put to blame for allowing for such a mishap to occur to me. I felt guilty swell up inside when I witnessed the pitch fork being jabbed into her mercilessly, watching the blood spew out of her body - her agonizing scream which rang in my ears.

I should've ran at that instant, but my feet were stuck to the ground - pained at the loss of my mother, who couldn't bear to look at me in the eyes anymore, but she still loved me. I was her son, her only child whom she adored so much. Nothing would change that - not even my curse.

At the moment they all launched themselves at me, my father included, I remember I bolted towards the windows which were wide open. I ran. I allowed for my feet to take me wherever they chose to, soon being led out to the outskirts of the town. A place I wouldn't be allowed to return again, for I was an outcast. Shunned by my world. Shunned by those close to me, whom I believed would always be there for me, but I was wrong.

Tonight was cold, colder than usual. The ice moon bestowed its light tonight, making it inconvenient for me, for my abilities were unstable - especially on these nights. The moon was a powerful element, especially when it dropped its moonlit ice particles as if it was rain.

I was forced to hunt for my survival. I fought my way through nature to find myself a home. I was alone in the world; no one else was like me. I had lost my mother, my father: everyone. Including myself.

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