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Kim Youngkyun is a descendant of the Kim line, unknown to the fact he bears a curse he was never told about - the dragon's blood curse. Wearing a mark he's had since birth, having to conceal it for the better, he soon discovers the truth and encounters Baek Juho.

"Terrifying, raging creatures—that's how dragons were always known as. But, I like to think dragons were misunderstood, you know?... Humans just... intruded in the dragon's business, but they're the ones being called the treacherous devils."

Chanhee mused slightly, tilting his head as he bit his inner cheek, "You're thinking too deep again, Kyun." He smiled sheepishly, beaming a smile at the older one. He didn't mind, but he liked giving the older one a warning—he knew Youngkyun's mind could get too dark sometimes.

"Ah," Youngkyun became bashful. "Thanks for telling me, Chanhee." A shy, small smile danced on his lips. "I just love dragons—I think.. they're really unique." Breathless, that's how Youngkyun felt as his arms wrapped around his book protectively. "My father always told me about dragons, and fairy tales about dragons—so much about them really." He scrunched his nose, "It's a shame they don't exist anymore..."

Chanhee leaned over on the counter, and his hand ruffled Youngkyun's hair. "Who knows?" He hummed, "Maybe they do exist!" Chanhee had always been Youngkyun's best friend, having met from a really young age. They were part of the middle class, and even when Youngkyun's father struck into wealth, that didn't change their friendship.

Youngkyun swatted some of his brown hair away, and he blew a faint raspberry, his eyes looking around, "Ah, Chanhee - I see that boy who's into you."

Chanhee blinked, a pink hue blossoming across his cheeks, and he looked behind him. He squeaked as the older boy, Lee Jaeyoon, locked eyes with him, and Chanhee quickly turned towards Youngkyun, "Please tell me I look decent-."

"You look great, Chanhee." Youngkyun chortled, covering up his laugh with his hand. "I don't see what's the big deal. He seems to find it cute regardless." Youngkyun's eyes landed on the boy, who was waltzing around the numerous people since there was a lot during this time - it was the merchant stands, after all. "Lover boy's coming~." He teased lightly, nudging Chanhee to get off the chair.

Chanhee slowly got off the chair, freezing in place as Jaeyoon wrapped his arms around his waist from behind. He felt the older one's breath trickle against his skin, causing him to shudder, yet it also caused him to smile like a lovesick fool.

"I missed you," Jaeyoon murmured into the younger boy's ear.

Youngkyun glanced away, feeling as if he was intruding. He left Chanhee's stall, plopping his book back into his satchel, and he walked his merry way towards home. He didn't have many friends, now that he thought about it. To him, 3 was a lot, yet the others he occasionally talked to - which was like 2 - were just acquaintances in his eyes.

Not having noticed, Youngkyun crashed against one of those said acquaintances. He dozed off again—which is something Chanhee has nagged him for. Before he lost his sense of balance, he felt an arm snake around his torso to hold him up. Youngkyun glanced up, unfazed, but he smiled cheekily, "Sorry, Inseong."

Inseong shook his head, steading him back up onto his feet. "You need to be more careful, Kyun." He huffed, patting the hay off Youngkyun's clothes. Inseong was like an older brother to Youngkyun; he always watched out for him, and he always gave him free food—the best part in Youngkyun's opinion.

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