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losing a loved one to the grasp of the ocean. kim youngkyun bids farewell to kim seokwoo, the love of his life who got taken away by the ruthless waves.

The wind loved to dance with the ocean.

The ocean twirled and twisted her curves in the breeze's arms, shimmering with glee as she was lifted up towards the sky. Her fingers gently brush against the clouds, only to fall gently back down into the wind's arms and placed back down where she belonged.

But one day, the wind and the ocean lost their love.


Thunder clashed against the sea, lightning petrifying the ocean - causing for violent, scrambling waves to swish rapidly. She wanted to get away, her wails heard for miles around. In her core, she knew the wind had brought these anger-filled clouds. The sea had done nothing wrong, but the wind simply desired to see it no more.

A ship rocked back and forth, being pushed relentlessly by the waves. The crew members held on tight, some getting soaked by the water as it clashed against the wood. Salt numbed their tongues as the ocean screamed, their limbs sore and weak. Could they last any longer under the sea's frenzy?

It was a bad day to be on the ship.

"This isn't good." Seokwoo grit his teeth, holding on tight to the pole. One calloused hand nearly slipped off multiple occasions, but he dared not to let go. The other hand held on his hat, his eyes narrowing at the sight of another boat approaching.

"W-Who?" Youngkyun clung onto him. At the sound of his raspy voice, Seokwoo's eyes flickered towards him. The urge to dry Youngkyun's face of the water droplets consumed him, but he trained his vision back towards the horizon.

Later, he reminded himself.

They hadn't seen another ship on these seas, not until today. Squinting, Seokwoo could make out faint markings, "It's..." he trailed off when his eyes landed on the flag. "Them."

"Jaeyoon! Hoist the sails! We need to get out of here-!" Seokwoo hollered, soon coughing up water as it landed on his face. He slammed a fist down against his chest, gasping sharply as he spits the water out. The wind roared around the ship, howling its thunderous cry. Seokwoo instinctively pulled Youngkyun closer.

"I c-cant! The wind's too strong-." Shouts and screams cut Jaeyoon off, and Youngkyun's vision succumbed to darkness for a moment.

Then, it was suddenly too bright. He pulled himself up from under the surface, gasping for breath. Ringing pierced through the air, and Youngkyun was dazed as he stared up at the sky. Something shot by above him, and he felt the ocean shove him further away. As the water slapped his face, he came through.

Cannonballs. The ship was blasted by cannonballs

One. Two. Three.

More kabooms were going off from the other ship, and Youngkyun pushed through the wave's currents towards his ship where he could see the fortunate few who had not fallen into the water return the attacks, although the cannonballs hardly hit the opposing ship directly. Through blurry vision, Youngkyun saw silhouettes fall off. His chest constricted against itself, and he felt his chest, his heart beating feverishly against it.

Seokwoo. Seokwoo. He whimpered, looking around desperately as he attempted to keep himself above water.

Where was his Seokwoo?

His eyes searched everywhere for that familiar man with matted, dark hair. A sob tears from his trembling lips, tears clouding his eyes; however, he blinked them back. He couldn't cry, not when he needed to find Seokwoo.

"Seokwoo!!!" He screamed out, swimming forward a bit - catching sight of a body holding tight onto a wooden plank. He swam closer, gasping quietly as he almost got yanked down by a fellow pirate, but he kicked down their hand and picked up the pace, "Seokwoo!"

The older boy looks around at the sound of his name, catching sight of Youngkyun. Relief washes over him, "Kyun-." He sneezed, feeling coldness everywhere as he shivered from the freezing temperatures of the ocean along with the breeze. He extended his hand out to his lover, holding onto the wooden board with his other hand. "Kim Youngkyun!" He called out once again.

Youngkyun swam towards his lover, a relieved grin curling over his lips as the tears pushed themselves out, "Seokwoo, Seokwoo!" He cried out joyfully, and he clung onto Seokwoo's hand, being pulled onto the wooden board.

Seokwoo sighed, smiling gently, but his eyes widened at the sensation of a tug, "Kyu-!"

He vanished in a blink of an eye.

"SEOKWOO!!!!!" Youngkyun panicked, screaming out his lungs. He choked on his sobs as he was held back by Yoo Taeyang—his best friend—and tears continue to fall. "L-Let me get him!!" He pleaded, shaking his head as he couldn't do anything.

"W-We can't!" Taeyang argued. "We promised..."

"P-Promised? Promised who?" Youngkyun jerked his eyes directly at Taeyang instead of the sea.

Chanhee sighed, "Seokwoo told us that if something happened to him and you were there, to hold you back because he doesn't want you to die trying to save him."

Agony swelled up in Youngkyun's heart, scalding tears forming yet again. "That bastard!" He didn't really mean it. His voice broke, breathing shakily as he collapsed in Taeyang's arms.

Chanhee patted his head awkwardly, feeling guilt. He only sighed, looking away and down below. The boy slowly swam away with Taeyang as he carried a limp Youngkyun on the way back onto the ship - well, the lifeboat.

The sea was dark. Rather obscure to even see a thing. Chanhee bit his inner cheek, and his eyes saddened, "Seokwoo you idiot... you hurt him." He gets back up, following Taeyang and Youngkyun.


Seokwoo was sinking, oxygen running low in his body. Water was consuming him, but it was death or losing the love of his life. To Kim Seokwoo, his life was lower than Youngkyun's.

Youngkyun's life was far more valuable, much more than his own. He was full of love - all the love he, Seokwoo, could give him.

His heart began to pound slower, and he smiled weakly as he was dragged down by the enemy captain. If he was going down, he'd bring the enemy down with him.

I love you, Youngkyun...

I'm sorry.

His eyes fluttered close as water greedily consumed his lungs.


Why did you have to go... Kim Seokwoo?"

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