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His breath was evading him, and out of habit he parted his lips to exhale. Realization smacked him in the face as water consumed his lungs. Panic overflowed his insides, but he froze upon the sensation of someone's lips pressing against his own to help him breathe.

Many people claim they've seen a siren, or a mermaid, swimming peacefully within the ocean water. Despite these claims, no one has seen one - just the fishes and the crabs and the other creatures of the sea. This drove the people insane, for they were certain - swearing to their parents - that they had seen the unexplainable in the ocean: a merman.

Throwing the anchor down, Youngbin proceeded to pull down the sail. The boat swayed back and forth, getting a gentle push from either side by the waves. The weather was bad. Not a good time to go fishing. The wind was screaming horrendously onto his face, slapping his hair and twisting it cheekily. Youngbin gripped a piece of rope tight in his hands, making a jump onto the pier. Carefully, he tied down the boat onto the fence pole at the corner of the pier, the corner closest to the boat.

He steadied himself up, and he was blinded by the sun. It was bright, but not for long before it was taken hostage by the searing, grey clouds. "Rain," He muttered to himself. Youngbin's eyes soon widened, repeating the same word internally to himself.

It hadn't rained a lot in a long time, but with this weather with the dew-like, humid, fishy smell... a storm was coming.

Youngbin ran towards townsquare. He had to alert the people, so they could prepare. He didn't want the town to get destroyed again like last time. Not again. Youngbin's chest ached. By the time he arrived at the townsquare, he was hunched over against the fountain. Heavy pants escaped his mouth, and he clutched his chest tightly. His eyes felt like they were burning, but he disregarded the feeling as he hollered out that a storm was approaching. Youngbin's breath was becoming short, and he strained his lips into a reassuring smile as he backed up his claim on the storm.

"Take it easy, Binnie."

Youngbin sucked his inner cheek, looking up rapidly, and he felt a lump on his throat. It was Inseong, not... him. His eyes softened, and he felt a singular tear uncling from his eyes, falling down to his cheek. He smiled weakly, "Did I overdo it?" The boy laughed tiredly, his voice cracking towards the end. "I... just wanted the people to prepare."

Inseong sighed quietly, a low hum rumbling from his throat, and he extended his arms out, "C'mere." He grinned, his eyes twinkling with the rising moonlight.

Youngbin felt himself at a loss for breath. Succumbing into Inseong's embrace, he hugged the older one tightly, letting out a shaky exhale. Droplets matted down upon his head, causing a shiver to run down, and he looked at Inseong, "We should go check the boats, if they're all anchored I mean." He scratched the back of his head.

Inseong nodded, taking his hand into his own, and their fingers intertwined, "Let's go check then." He smiled softly, his irises full of adoration towards the younger one. He caught the faint sight of Youngbin's creeping blush, and he chuckled, swinging their hands as they began to walk together to the docs.

As for Youngbin, his heart was hammering against his chest. He felt butterflies - such an odd feeling, he had always thought this since day one. He subconsciously tightened his grip on Inseong's hand, not too much though, and a small sigh slipped between his lips.

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