Chapter18-Our Story pt.1

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Princeton POV

It's been 3 days. I'm going crazy because Sal isn't talking to me. She's hardly talking at all. I need to talk to her. I have to kiss her soft lips.

I went inside her room & saw her kind of pacing. I closed the door behind me.

Sal: ughh.....Prin--gco

I pulled her close to me & looked into her eyes.

Me: I miss talking to you

Sal: no you do-gco

I pulled her into a kiss which got more intense by the second. I felt her fingers go through my hair which was turning me on more. Then she pulled away.

Sal: Prince, this is a no......all you probably want is to sleep with me

Me: that's really not true Salina

Sal: I know.......but.......I can't be around you right now so can you please get out & can you not put your lips on my mouth.

I chuckled. I was still holding her closely so I admired her beauty again. I kissed her cheek then walked out of her room.


Sal has been in her room all day. I was in there on her bed.

Me: what's wrong

Sal: nothing

Me: Sal, up to me

Sal: I just don't get how a guy would do that to someone who doesn't know what's going on. Aleya.....I think I actually started falling for him

Me: how about y'all go out

Sal: he was your boyfriend &.....

Me: if you ask for permission to date one of each other ex....whatever they say we just flow with it........right?

I created that rule when I went with one of her if it comes again we wouldn't be in too much drama. I nodded.

Me: so I want y'all to date

I can tell they both have feelings for each other.I wanna see can my bestie actually fall in love. I actually wouldn't mind if she dating Prince. I didn't fall for him.....I love him but not in that way. They are falling!

Sal: it's my choice Ale......& I don't wanna date anyone right now

I walked out & went to the arcade. Prince was sitting on the couch up there watching a movie. I joined him.

Me: Princeyyy!!!!

I know your thinking.....why so nice!? Like, I's not like I fell for him......I was going to break up with him the next day actually......I just didn't feel the connection. I love him but I'm not in love with him. He actually made me ready for relationships. I thank him for that......I'm ready to actually get a boyfriend.

Prince: you ain't slick......what you want

Are relationship of dating actually made is like best friends even tho we only dated like 3 weeks.

Me: what are you talking about.....but since you bring it up.......I have a question

Prince: what is it

Me: do you really like Salina

Prince: I guess a little

Me: Prince.....coarpriate with me

Prince: ok, yea......I guess I do

Me: I'ma help y'all get together

Prince: why would you do that

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