Chapter13-That Just Happened

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(Kev is up there^^^^^^)

Chelsea POV

We arrived at the house & Roc had the baby in his arm. We entered the living room & I saw him.

Me: what the f*ck you doing here Kev

Mari: visiting bae

Me: so you gonna cheat on me Kev

Mari: wait, Kev wtf

Kev: look Chels baby......I'm sorry

Me: it's ok cuz I just cheated on you with the baby daddy

Kev: Roc?!

Laya: wtf, baby daddy.....Roc u got a child & you cheated

Roc: babe, I was--gco

Laya: whatever

She ran out the house.

Me: either way you bout to get these hands cuz you did the wrong first

Mari: oo, let me join you

Roc: I'ma bout to put Jr. in my room & stay with him so he don't see this

He walked away with Jr in his arms.

Ale: ima record his sh*t

Ray: l t me get the popcorn

Kev: look I'm so--gco

I cut him off by punching him......I didn't want to hit that sexy dimple but I did what was necessary!

Prince: damn mami can throw a punch

Mari grabbed his leg which made him fall to the floor. Once he was on the floor we both started punching the living s*it out of him. That was until Prince & Prod pulled us off.

Ray: I would get out right now Kev

That boy basically ran with all his might but since he was bruised badly that was a little hard.

After he left I said......

Me: that felt good to beat his a*s

Mari: fr

Ale: so Jr Is Roc's

Me: yea, but I didn't mean for her to find out......until Roc told her

Dali: damn......Laya & Roc relationship didn't last long

Sal: wasn't meant to be I guess

They not broken up yet so maybe it's hope. Maybe I could fix things since this sh*t kind of my fault. But....that just happened!

Laya POV

I just ran out the house crying. He could've told me about the kid. Then in tip of that he cheated. We gonna have to have a long talk when I get home. Anyway I kept running into I bumped into someone.

Me: I'm so sorry

??: it's ok ma, wait are you ok

Me: a couple of issues

??: I know you don't k ow me but do you wanna talk about it!?

I looked up at the guy. It was DIGGY!!!!

Me: OMG,diggy?!

Diggy: yea, aren't you thatgurl in that group Lyrical

Me: yea

Diggy: lets go in and talk about it.

We entered into basket robins & I told him some of the details of my situation. I have always had a huge crush on Diggy but we probably just gonna stay friends. He is a little older than me. But anyway I do enjoy his company.


I was in my room with Jr thinking about how I just f*cked up. Chelsea came in the room & closed + locked the door behind her. I hope she not bout to beat my a*s cuz she locking the door & I wanna have a witness if I die.

Chels: I wanna talk

That's a suprise, I was for sure I was bout to get an a*s whoopin!

Me: ok

Chels: look I wasn't trying to have that come out but--

Me: but you got fire mad angry

Chels: yea, in sorry

Me: well at least I don't gotta keep the secret from this household that Jr. is mine

Chels: you still keepin it from the public folks tho......but I'm also sorry about her finding out......maybe I can fix y'all relationship some how

Me: Chels, I'll fix it my self

Chels: I kind of regret doing it

Me: well, you shouldn't regret because it caused problems, I don't regret sleeping with you......& I know deep down you don't either

I put Jr in his car seat. Then I went behind Chels & left small kisses on her neck. Then I started kissing her lips. I slid my hands to her butt. She broke the kiss.

Chels: Roc, no

I ignored & continued kissing her neck. It got really intense. She was biting her lip trying not to give in.

Chels: I have a flight to catch

She kissed Jr & gave me a hug.

Chels: be careful with my me if you need anything.....& Roc, don't kiss me again before something else bad happens. Oh.....& I don't regret what happened between us at my house earlier.

Then she left. Well, that just happened!

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