Chapter30-Telling Her

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We arrived at the house. I went to Aleya's room. I closed the door behind me.

Ale: Roc what

I went up to her pushing her to the wall. The smell of her this close is so good.

Me: I can't get you out my head

Ale: Roc just--gco

Me: I keep thinking about last night

She kind of smiled. I know she was thinking about it too. When we were done she told me that that was the best she had ever had.

Ale: we can't

Me: I want you to be my girlfriend

Ale: you are DATING one of my BEST FRIEND

Me: then sh*t, leggo tell her

I pulled her to the game room where Laya was.

Ale: Roccccccc no

Me: Laya we have something to tell you

Lay: what's up

Ale: we wanna tell you before things go to far

Lay: I'm all ears

Me: okay when I was with Aleya over the week I fell for her, I wanted to make her happy. I kissed her. Then last night we were a little drunk.....we had sex

Lay: hahaha, good prank Aleya wouldn't do that

Ale: I wish I could say I didn't but I got caught up, & it happened & I think I have feelings for him. & I'm sosososososooooooo sorry

Lay: *starting to cry* so you cheated again, but with my best friend. Aleya you should know how this feels of all people so why put me in a similar situation

Ale: *starting to cry too* I'm so sorry

Lay: you backstabbing bitch

She then slapped her. Ale held her face.

Ale: okay I don't care what type of situation this is. No. One. Puts they hands on me & gets away with it!

She hit her back. Next thing you know they are fighting hard. I yelled for someone to help break them up. We finally pulled them apart & they both had a lot of scratches & bruises.

Laya: have her, I don't want you anymore. We done

She ran out with Prod following. Aleya had started crying but Prince said it would be best if they talked first. So I was left to tell Moni how this went down.

Aleya POV

I was crying......hard. I didn't want to hurt her. I didn't mean to catch feelings for him. But it happened. I was crying into Princeton's chest.

Prince: shhhh, it's okay baby girl

Me: no. I may have just lost my best friend

Prince: what led to the fight

Me: um, she smacked me. I don't care who you are, if you ain't my parents then you can't whoop me. So I consider that a whoopin so I joined in on it

Prince: you a mess, but how you feel for Roc

Me: you know I've always liked him but he showed me a different part of him that really got me falling in a net

Prince: that was a good comparison (now that I think about it. I said that well. Pat on the back) but everything will be okay

Me: alright

We stayed in that position & continued to talk until there was a knock on the door. It was Roc.

Roc: can I speak to you

Me: ughhhhh, speaking is over rated

Prince:*chuckling* child you a trip, but go talk with him

I went with Roc into his room. I sat on the chair.

Roc: be truthful, you care for me & fell for me too

Me: yes I care for you & fell for you.....hold up, I'm on a roll today let me write that down for a song

I got some paper & wrote it down.

Me: okay, sorry for that disruption, continue

Roc: well, I feel the same & I want you to be my girl

Me: I wanna be your girl but first lets wait a couple days because you just got out a relationship

Roc: okay

Laya POV

I was hurt. My best friend. My boyfriend. I will didn't get over the first time well enough. But there not alone. Well they are, but not with the falling for someone else part. Over these last couple of weeks I've fallin for Prodigy. But I wouldn't act on it like Roc did.

Prodigy was holding me & giving me comfort.

Me: how could he.....he.....he

Prod: it's going to be okay

Me: no I may have just lost one of the most important people in my life. One of my best friends!

Prod: well, how you gonna fix it

Me: she should be the one to, fix it. She did the wrong

Prod: if I recall. She did. But she was tryna fix it by saying sorry. But you slapped her knowing good & well she wasn't just gonna let you, hit her

Me: ughhhh, I guess. But still Roc did that twice with cheating.....I'm not taking him back

Prod: good cuz to be honest. I want you to be mine. I believe I have fallin for you in the last couple weeks

I smiled a little.

Me: I've fell for you too since we being honest

He pulled my chin to him & we kissed. I felt something spark up my spine. & I liked every moment of it.

Prod: will you be my girlfriend

Me: how about we wait a couple days to let stuff die down since I just ended a relationship

Prod: a couple days won't hurt

He smiled making me smile.

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