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Aleya POV

I woke up the next morning bare naked in Roc's arms. Last night was one of the best nights of my life. But I did feel guilt after it happened. It wasn't supposed to go that way. Us getting drunk took it a little too far.

I got up & walked slowly grabbing hold of things knowing if I moved too fast I would totally fall because of my sore legs.

I did my routine & went downstairs to see Roc already ready.

Me: how did you get ready

Roc: other bathroom

He pulled me close & put his hands on my waist.

Roc: last night was incredible....

Me: yea, but we have to tell Laya.....& it can't happen again, that's my bestfriend

Roc: can we wait till the right moment to tell her

Me: of course, lets go

He gave me 1 last kiss before we left. When we arrived at the house everyone was in the living room, waiting for us. Laya ran to Roc & kissed him.

I smiled then felt a pair of muscular arms wrapping around me. I smiled at my little afro boy.

Prince: I missed you so much

Me: I missed you too bae

Prince: how was your week

I gave him the look, so he pulled me into my room.

Prince: what happened

Me: first, how was your week

Prince: good, now tell me

Me: okay, it was all sad cuz m aunt died & I was in her house which made it worse but Roc & I kissed *his eyes widened* & that's not it, the next morning he was talking about how he wanted me to be happy & he could make me happy for 1 week if I would let him. So I did, it was like a test, then last night we were a little drunk & we had sex......the worse part is I caught feelings for him

Prince looked at me in disbelief. He processed everything then shook his head.

Prince: first, did y'all use protection

Me: yea


Me: quiet down.....we plan on telling Laya what happened

His eyes almost popped out his head.

Prince: is something wrong with you

Me: aye, you can't were in a situation very similar to this, at least some one knows how to wrap up the damn burrito

Prince started laughing........hard.

Prince: well whatever you choose, just know I gotcha back babe

Me: thank you baby

I gave him a big bear hug then we started talking about his week.

Laya POV

For some odd reason I feel like Roc is hiding something. He's acting strange. Any who we all loaded up I'm the van. On our way to record the last song for the album. This one is written by all of us.

Me: Aleya?!

Ale: huh?!

Why is she so freaking jumpy?!

Me: you okay

Ale: yeah, just ready to get in this studio

Moni: I think she's hiding something

Living With Them(Mindless Behavior Story)Where stories live. Discover now