Part 12.

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// I feel that I owe you guys an update since this story is a mess just like its author 😂

Please feel free to call me out if I unknowingly use MG instead of TT 🙏 cause I tend to forget sometimes - oh pardon me, it's not sometimes rather, it's most of the time I got the names mixed up 😂 //


"Type you're here already. You'll be the cashier today too, okay?" San said as he approached Type handing him his apron.

"Yes phi" Type smiles radiant the not-so-gloomy morning. San ruffles his hair and the younger squirms.

Tharn grabs San's hand from his mate's head.

"Is this 'Tharn Kirigun' the great? Is a miracle happening that you're here? Be ready Type, there must be a lot of customers today" San mocks Tharn while Type just giggles.

"I'm here with Type" Tharn said looking bored. "Love, I'll just stay in the corner okay? Call me if this man harass you or something" Tharn kissed his mate's cheeks while the latter nodded hiding himself from the stares of the customers who were present already.

Like what San said the café is packed with customers. Most of them were girls that's ogling at Type's mate, there are few that is just contented in stealing glances at Tharn but most of them are openly staring at him. Undressing him using their eyes. Type frowns and pouted. Looking at his mate who is working using his laptop and is oblivious to his surroundings.

"What's your relationship with Tharn?" San asked. Type blushed a bit with the question thrown at him.

"We're mates. Just.. Uhm.. Recently"

"The great Tharn mated with you? That same person who said he doesn't need a mate and relationships were only for fools? I can't believe it. I'm throwing a party tonight and you two are the guest of honor! Everyone must know that Tharn is mated" San grins. Type thought it might not really a good idea to disclose his relationship with Tharn. They're heavens apart and his mate is too godly to be his, but life got another plan for him and Tharn by making them fated pairs.

"Don't think too much Type, I'm sure Tharn would love to claim you in front of the world as his mate" San teased him as he put his arm on the younger guy's shoulder.

"San, I told you hands off. Type is mine" Tharn said looking fierce at San and he eyed Type like asking if he is okay or if he is uncomfortable.

"Chill Tharn! I'm not taking your mate. He is your mate, no one can break it other than you" San winked Tharn and asks Type to get something from the kitchen. "I just informed Type that we'll have party later. Introduce him to everyone, that should keep them at bay and that should protect him Tharn. Type is still a student and came from normal family not like yours, he is a brother to me. I don't want him hurt." San turned to Tharn without an ounce of playfulness and mockery that he just had a minute ago.

"I was planning that, you just beat me to it."

"Good. It's better this way that I arranged the party so no one would dare" San said looking at the approaching Type putting his smile back up.

"Did you really change? or my Type is just a special case?" Tharn asks raising his eyebrow.

"He is special. Hell breaks loose if someone makes him cry, even if that someone is you Tharn. This is not a warning, I'm just telling you that whatever pain Type receives the giver will get ten folds and I'll make sure of it myself" He taps Tharn's shoulder.

"Type... You can go home with Tharn already. I can manage now, you're still limping. You should be the most gorgeous human being tonight." San teased at Type who blushed like crazy.

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