Part 15.

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No one's POV.

Type and Techno were on the shore. Type is exhausted and the adrenaline rush died down but before his vision went black. He hugs his best friend, Techno.

"Hi, are you okay now?" A cute lovely girl who introduced herself as Samantha or Sam is sitting beside him, placing the wet towel on his forehead.

"Where am I? I-I don't remember a thing. Where is my best friend?" He asked calmly. Type tries to sit down and noticed that he is not wearing any top shirt so he is just being covered by the comforter. He looked around and he sees a beautiful room that everything seems to be expensive. He wants to panic but it won't help him now. He took slow deep breaths to calm himself. First he wants to know where is Techno and if he is safe because he will not forgive himself if something happened to his best friend.

"Oh you mean the short, black haired and loud guy? Techno? He is here. He will come any minute from now. He just stepped out to take a bath and to eat." Sam answered, giving him a smile. "I'm Sam by the way."

"Sam, where are we?" Type asked, he is confused as hell. Everything just doesn't make sense. "did you see my phone?" Tharn must be worried now. He promised his mate that he will call him once they have arrived at the island.

"Your phone is broken, we don't have signal here too. You're in the villa of Mr. Pattarabut. One of our maids found you two near the shore and brought you back here" Sam explained. Her smile is calming and relaxing. Type suddenly remembered, San's last name is Pattarabut so he will be found right away.

"Hmm... do you know San Pattarabut? Does he own the place?" Type asks. He wanted to know.

"Oh, young master San? Yes he is the son of the owner here. Do you know him?" Sam answered with a smile.

"Ah no.." Type said, he don't want to inconvenience San though he badly needs his help. "Then.. Is it okay for us to be here?" Type asked worriedly. He remembered that San's father is strict.

"of course. By the way, how did you end up on the shore? And based on the safety gears you both were wearing, you rode an aircraft?" Sam asked. Though she is careful in asking for details. Type thought he owe them some explanation because what if they're serial killers or thieves, right?

"Well, my dad asked us to go to this certain event. It turns out it will be on Choie Island. It should be today, it's still Saturday right?" Sam nodded so Type continued his narrative "Techno's engagement party should be the next day too."

"Oh, he will be engaged? He didn't tell us that!" Sam beamed. It seems Techno's been chatting with everyone already.

"Yeah he is supposed to be. Well, we were at the helicopter when the pilot said he lost control of it. He made us wear the gears and ask us to unbuckle the seat belts to prepare to jump and we did but we were thrown out of the helicopter and it drove off. It really did. I didn't know what happen after, all I can remember is that we have to be safe and to be on the land to survive so I swam to the nearest shore dragging Tech with me" Type continues his story and the girl is just nodding her head. "Once I'm well enough we will go back to Bangkok" He added but the girl just flashed a sad smile.

"Type, the bad news is that the boat arrives here once a month since people here rarely leaves. It will just change if the owner will suddenly show up but then we don't have any means of contacting someone outside." She sighs, "...And the boat just left two days ago, so you have to stay here at least a month" She says. Type almost crumbled. Graduation is in two months so being away for a month will not harm them but he can't be away from his mate for that long and his heat will come, he is expecting it and Tharn will not be there to help him. He doesn't have any suppressants too.

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