Part 1.

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Type's POV.

"Type wake up, we're gonna be late!" Techno's nagging too early. Can someone just let me sleep in peace? Ugh. I am not a morning person and why do I have to work again? Oh shit, I'm broke.

I groaned and throw a glare at the noisy Techno, he just shake his head in disbelief.

"If you don't get up now, we'll gonna be late! We'll get a scolding again! Hurry! Hurry!" Tech's voice keeps on ringing inside my head and sometimes I just want to shut him up using a pillow but I won't do that. I instead, get up groggily, Tech pulled my hand and pushed me to bathroom. "You have to be out within 10 minutes"

"Krub Mae! Tsk." I slammed the door.

Me and Techno doing our internship at J.S. Inc. I don't even know how we passed the qualifications of this huge company, because what I've heard is that they have turned down hundreds of internship applicants even the ones from those prestigious universities, so why us? Like how come did we pass? I'm not complaining though.

I have to file a leave of absence from my current part time job since things got hectic. My boss approved it since he is a friend of mine and fortunately, the company is giving us allowance which actually a little bit higher than my salary. I hope they will hire us to be permanent employees. The salary must be high but if they won't it would still be a great experience and will surely be the flower in our resume.

We're not rich but not poor either. We're at the bottom of middle class in the society. I don't want to inconvenience my father much, he is already paying some of my university fees and since our house is 2-hours ride from the university where I got accepted, we decided to rent a room. Me and techno shares the place.

Techno is rich though; he is a good friend. He pays, rather, his parents pays 3/4 of the rent. Man! The rent in the city is high and were renting a 2-bedroom apartment. They even don't want me to pay, they said it's for helping Techno since he doesn't know any household chores, He is one spoiled brat and I will be his personal maid, bodyguard and driver but despite all that, I still insist. I don't want to leech off of their money. I mean, I really don't, but we don't know what other people thinks and my pride won't allow me to.

"Ai'type! Hurry!" Techno shouts from the door. He is fully dressed up, rich kid nowadays.

"Just grabbing the keys No" I said as I hurriedly grabbed the keys for our house and his car.

We are lucky that the traffic isn't too bad today otherwise we'll get scolding again. This is our second week doing internship and the one in charge of us is always in a grumpy mood. Like she got a period every single day.

We entered the department where we are assigned and a bunch of paper works is already at our table and as far as I can remember, it was cleared up before we went home yesterday. Me and Techno looked at each other and sighed. It will be another long and exhausting day, luckily we are off tomorrow.

"The boss is handsome today too" One of the regulars named Pear. We were working our ass off here, while they have time to chat. Gossiping is their hobbies and maybe that's part of their work, who knows?. Well, they pushed most of their works to us, it is as if they're paying us. This lazy mf's.

As what I've heard, the boss is strict and he comes in an hour early where there's only few employees around and goes 1 hour late. He is playing mysterious but they said he would sleep whoever asked and no one says no to him, be it male or female. I haven't seen him though, I don't judge someone if don't know them personally and I only know few individuals anyway, so basically I don't judge people. I'm a programmer not a judge, technically.

Speaking of being a programmer, we applied here and hoping to get a slot in the IT department but who would have thought that all we do is sort documents, run around, here and there handing documents and do typing jobs. Did input Clerk instead of a programmer?

"Type, are you done? It's 6PM already, Jaa asked if we could go to the bar with them" I eyed him. I only have a stash of documents left to sort and we're done for the day.

"Almost, I have no money though" I said nonchalantly.

"No worries, Jj is paying!" He showed Jaa's text to me since he knows I won't believe him without any sort of evidence. He usually says someone's paying but he will pay in behalf of me instead and I don't want that.

I don't know why I'm friends with them or why they befriended me, like, they're all rich and I'm not. They don't care though, they never think less of me.

When we arrive at this looking so expensive and only for elites bar, they're all drinking already. I ordered food first, we have to fill our stomachs or we'll get drunk as early as 2 shots. Well, Tech may not but I will.

I got a cocktail with low alcohol level, while they all have vodka. My alcohol tolerance is low and I have to drive later. Sometimes or usually in times like this, Techno's the one who drives back cause I usually get drunk after 2 glass of cocktail.

I reached my limit. I feel so tipsy.

"Type! Where are you going?" Tech is always attentive of me whenever we're drinking. I have bad habits that one drunk person shouldn't replicate.

"Just the restroom, Ai'No.." I said slurring. Then proceeds to walk towards the restroom trying to walk straight but still fail anyway. Everything's dancing though, walls are like moving on its own.

*Thud* I stumbled and crashed to the wall, wait is a wall? A handsome wall indeed.

" Hey, you okay? Watch out where you walking at" The wall said. Oh hehe, the wall is talking.

"I'm sorry, my friend's kinda drunk I apologise in his behalf" Techno to the rescue is here. He yanked and dragged me to the rest room where I'm supposed to go before I bumped to that handsome wall.

"Type! You practically hugged the man! Shameless type, so Shameless!" He said. My mae is scolding me again. "Go wash your face and do your thing! and no more alcoholic drinks for you!"

"Krub Mae!" I giggled while he just rolled his eyes.

That man is one handsome though. A fine man with tone abs and bulky muscles is rare. However, I'm straight more than as a ruler and as post if that's possible, I just know how to appreciate beauty. His eyes is so enticing, lips are kissable, his jaws. Alright, I'm straight.

//Sorry for typo errors and grammar/grammatical errors. I'm not perfect and English is not my first language.

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