Part 9.

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// This is part contains 18+ 😂 or I might say its just pure mature content part. If you're not comfortable, skip and wait for the next part instead 😂

Let's have some smuts before the storm 😂//

Type's POV.

"Where do you want to sleep Type? Do you want to be in the same bed as me? Or do you want to be in a separate room?" He asks. I would love to be in the same room as him but it seems to be so hot right now, he might not be comfortable with me sleeping beside him.

" Uhm. I'll take another room Tharn" I said, shyly. I really don't want to trouble him.

"I want to be beside you though but okay. You'll be the room next to mine, Alright?" He said with slight disappointment in his tone.


I went to the room beside his. It's really hot now. I took a bath and lay down, suddenly a sudden heat wave takes over me. Fvck, I'm getting my heat. Luckily, I brought my bag with me so I take my suppressant.

Suppressant should take effect few minutes but my heats not toning down. Is is because my mate is near? Why can't he smell it?

I want my mate. I want him. Throwing my rationality aside, I wobbly and slowly open the door and went to knock on his.

"T- Tharn..." He didn't answer. Is he sleeping already?

His door isn't locked. I'll deal with his anger tomorrow but for now, all I want is him and him alone.

I saw him laying down, topless and eyes closed. My breath hitched as his scent welcomed me. He smells delicious, I'm getting dizzy.

"Tharn..." I called his name again but still no response. Fvck! I can no longer take it.

I removed my clothes, slowly and hover on top of him. I kissed his lips but he is not responding. I don't care anymore.

Licking three of my fingers, wetting them using my saliva. I proceed to prepare myself for him.

Tharn's hard already but he still seems sleeping.

"Ahmmm...~ Tharnnnn~" Moaning while still preparing myself for him.

"Fvck Tharn! Ahhhh~" I can't reach the sweet spot. Shit! Only tharn can do it. While I'm still fingering myself, I pull his shorts down together with his boxer and hold his manhood using my other hand.

"You're so naughty Type" Tharn suddenly pulls my hand from my behind replacing with his own. I gasped and moaned loudly. Is he awake all this time? This evil.

"Uhmm... Ahhh... T- Tharn, were you awake?"

"Of course dear! Your sweet scent left me so restless." He shows his winning grin. "You're a bad boy playing with your ass alone" He continues to finger my behind and its not enough anymore.

"daddyyyy... I want yours" I continued jerking his member. He is so long and huge, I don't even know how his fits in my hole. Tharn rolled us with him on top of me already.

"Can I mark you tua-aeng?" He asked using his husky voice. It sent shivers to my spine and since lust has taken over me due to my heat, I bit my lower lip and nodded.

"I want words babe." He whispered as he bit by earlobes. I let out a loud moan. He smiled.

"Y- Yes Tharn. Mate with me. Mark me, let us complete the mating bond... Ahh..~" I grabbed his arm and tightened my hold as he positioned himself in my entrance and slowly entered me.

"Hurry... Tharn!" I complained but he is not listening. He turned me around, my back facing him. He kissed my back leaving bite marks and hickeys.

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