Part 16.

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Type is sitting on the bed, arms cross. He is so lost and don't know where to start. It's Sunday already and it's supposed to be Techno's engagement day.

"I don't know if I should be happy that the engagement didn't went as planned or be devastated that we are in somewhere we don't know with no means of communication outside and will stay here for a month" Techno sighs, "They're so hospitable and it's kinda comfortable here but we have a life outside. Ugh, I guess that bastard must be so happy!" Techno keeps blabbering, he keeps complaining.

"I know. Tharn might be worried for me too." Type said, he is also sad but he can't think of anything but to wait.

"Yes right, you have Tharn. He will search for you" Techno said like he found a ray of hope but got immediately crushed by Type.

"Yes, but what if he thinks we're just in the island and there's just no reception?" Type said. They have to lay all the possible option they've got.

"Well, we still have my family" Techno said, his parents will surely make a move and arrange for search and rescue operation just to find them. "Your father will also gonna be worried. Why does it have to in Choie though?" Type just shrugs, he himself also don't know about it. They should've stayed and just celebrate somewhere for completing their internship but since Type is an obedient child, he didn't defy his father and went to that island.

Type misses his mate more. He is also sure that his mate misses him too, he can feel it from their bond.


"Any updates?" Tharn is back in Bankok. He is sitting on his chair at his own office waiting for any news about Type but for the last few hours but he got none. He went to the office even though its Sunday since it's much convenient to work and access everything from the office. He also got his investigators and his network team to work. Sarawat is also back empty handed without any leads.

"Based on the report, the helicopter fly out of route and it seems that before it explodes it was just on auto pilot. Meaning..."

"Meaning it's possible that there's no passenger in that helicopter. Where are they? were they abducted? by whom?" Tharn finished what Win is saying.

"Maybe you forgot Tharn but everyone's after your head. They are willing to use anything just to get you." Dean said, he keeps on typing something on his laptop and not being bothered by the conversation though he casually says a thing or two.

"Oh well, how can we forgot that everyone wants to bring Tharn down. Ugh, I remembered another unpleasant memory" Team said, showing some disgust.

"Ugh, I remembered that too." Win said, cuddling with his boyfriend. Tharn just looked at them with guilt on his face.

"I already said sorry though and I already made them pay." Tharn sighs, "Guys, let us focus finding Type for the mean time please." Tharn said. He is usually upfront and cold to other people or when work hours but if it's just his friends then he let it loose. He is total different when he is with his mate though.

"I got a lead Tharn. I'll send you the pinpoint of the exact location where Type's phone stopped sending location signals. It's in the middle of the sea though" Dean said, he still keeps on typing on his computer. "I emailed it to you"

Once Tharn receives the email, he ordered for Sarawat to do another search and rescue on the location and its neighboring island. They should be able to find Type in no time. Tharn's longing for his mate, he knows Type misses him too. He just don't know how to assure Type that he will be okay and they will be together again soon.

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