Part 5.

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Type's POV.

I slowly open my eyes and saw an unfamiliar room. I almost got a heart attack seeing the one and only Tharn Kirigun beside me sleeping top less. Suddenly, the wave of yesterday's memory hit me. I got my heat. Just a touch from him yesterday and my body heats up right away. He is my mate, Techno is right.

I am wearing one of his shirts and shorts, he must've cleaned me and brought me to his house. I wonder if Techno is looking for me. I messed up, I had sex with my boss.

Slowly, I get up without waking him up and look around to see if he somehow brought my things but it seems he didn't, so it might be still at the office. I still have to report to work. I still have to complete my internship in his company.

I saw his house phone, I immediately dialed Techno's phone and after few rings he answered, thank god!


"It's me. Can you wait for me downstairs? I have no money, I am going to take a cab"

"Where the Fvck have you been? You're making me worried. Manager Win said you got some assignments from the CEO himself! Explain Type!" He sounds so loud again. I need to hurry before Tharn wakes up.

"we'll talk when I get home, okay? Wait for me downstairs. I'm leaving here now" I ended the call and silently went out of Tharns house and hailed a taxi back to our condo.

I saw Tech's waiting for me. I called him and let him pay the taxi fare.

"Sit Type and talk" He said.

"Tharn's my mate" His eyes went big and is shocked.

"The fvck? For real? Did he mark you? How did you know?" He asked continously.

"Ask slowly dumbsh*t. Yes it's real. I shouldn't be getting my heat this month as I've got it last month already but I got my heat yesterday at his office. He touched me and that's how it started I guess? My memory is fuzzy and can't recall everything. I have no marks but certainly we had sex cause fvck I'm so sore and it seems tore down there" He gaped at the news that I just delivered.

"Wow! he is huge? I mean, why he didn't bite you?" He asked, I don't know either. I can't recall everything happened yesterday. Maybe he doesn't want to be tied with me. He still want his bachelor's life that he can fvck anyone and everyone. If you're mated, your body will reject other ones aside from your mate. A player is always a player huh.

"I don't know Tech but I guess it's for the better" I said. We only have two weeks left though. Once we're done with the internship, I won't be seeing him anymore and our social status gap is too huge. "I'll rest a bit, we still have time before we have to leave."

"You're still gonna go to work?" He asked full of concern.

I nodded "We have to finish this internship. We might not see each other again after last night and besides we only have 2 weeks left" He just sighed, I went to my room and tried recalling of what happened last night but I really can't. All I know is my heat's too strong and we fvck, that's it.

We went to work like nothing happened and I just took some pain killers to ease the pain and soreness.

"Type, you okay?" It's manager Win who approached me. Everyone's eyes is on me, manager Win is one of the higher ups and works directly with Tharn, he is also the one who asked me yesterday to go to Tharn's office.

"I'm okay, sir. Thank you for your concern, How may I help you?"

"Tharn, the CEO wants to speak with you. You can go to his office after lunch" He said, and everyone inside the office eyed me suspiciously.

"I'm sorry sir, but I guess it's inappropriate for me to go there directly, I don't want to bypass my superiors. If he got work for us interns he can pass it to our direct supervisor" I smiled. I don't want to see him, not yet. It's fvcking painful if you're going to be rejected by your mate. I don't want that, no. I know I don't want to be mated with anyone yet but I don't want my mate to reject me either.

"I am one of your superiors." He said in an authoritative tone.

"Yes sir you are, so please can you go and ask the CEO in behalf of me what he wants? Cause as far as I know, I am just an intern here and the CEO got no use of me." I said sternly, I'm not backing down. "If you excuse me sir, I still have works to do" I added as I go back to my works. Luckily he didn't argue for more and just left. I sighed in relief.

"You okay? What does the manager wants?" The nosy Techno is worried.

"CEO wants to see me" I said and continued working on my papers. I will avoid him for as long as I can.

Me and Techo took our lunch and get back to work as we still have a lot of task to finish. My work's doubled since I wasn't able to finish them yesterday.


I was too immersed with my works and didn't notice someone's standing in front of my desk.

"Type... Type..." Techno calls.

"Later Tech, I'm busy. Let me finish this. I can't go home if I won't be able to finish this within the day" I said without looking.

"Type..." He still calls my name and I ignored him, still working on the things I have. I have to finish this fast otherwise I won't be able to to go home today, I need to rest.

"Do interns get this much work while you regulars are slacking off?" I heard a familiar but unfamiliar voice so I didn't mind it.

"N- No sir, It's a practice for them" Our supervisor answered.

"Practice for what? To get exhausted doing your work? Should I fire you all instead?" The man said and he received series of sorry's. I looked up and saw Tharn standing near. Fvck why is he here? As far as the gossip goes, he doesn't go and visit other work places or office aside from his own and the meeting rooms. He always assign people to visit the where regular employee works.

He turned to look at me. "You don't know how to follow now your manager's order?" He asked. Fvck.

"I'm sorry sir, but I guess It's not right for me to go directly to the CEO's office. I have my direct supervisors, you can talk to them and I still have works to finish sir" I said in a low voice.

"Talk to them? Go follow me." He said, fvck he is angry. I hope he will let me finish our internship here. "You!" He pointed to our supervisor "I want you to finish his work and some of his." He said pointing the piles of paper on my desk and at Techno's. Our supervisor just nodded, he is scared.

"Follow me Mr. Thiwat" he said, I have no choice but to follow him silently, head down. Techno's looking at me with worried eyes but I just nodded to him in assurance.

He lets me enter his office first and he locked the door after him. Sh*t I'm nervous now.


"Why did you leave earlier?" He said. I just continue to look down and didn't answer him.

"Do you have a lover?" His question makes my heart skip a beat. Sh*t, this isn't right.

"I just want you to know that I am not mating with you. I won't mark you but you're not allowed to fvck other people. If you need help with your heat I can help you" He said. No, I don't want it. It pains me hearing that my mate doesn't want to to mate with me. He doesn't want to mark me, he just want to fvck me like one of his toys. I am not your plaything, Tharn Kirigun.

I gathered all the courage I could muster and looked at his eyes. "I appreciate your offer sir, but no thank you. I don't need you and I don't need a mate." I immediately run outside to the roof top to cry. Why does my mate have to be that asshole?


// Short update, yey. 😂

Lovelots ♥️

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