Part 17.

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It's already afternoon and when you look from afar the two seems playing but they're not.

"Type where are you going?" Techno's following Type.

Type tries to look around the area for how many hours now and all he find is nothing. The island is not that huge but big enough to have at least 3 mansion or so. The villa they're currently staying is huge, a mansion-like place, you can get lost inside or not bump to the person for a week and it seems to be normal. Its the only lodging place in the whole island, luckily Sam always accompanies the two and helps them.

Everything was turned into a beautiful scenery of different flowers, trees, fruits and vegetables.

If under different circumstances Type will surely appreciate this scenery but he doesn't now. Six days have passed and still no one seems to find them, not even Techno's parents nor Tharn.

"Type wait for me" Techno said as he chase his best friend. Type keeps walking, trying to find something that could help them but unfortunately there's none.

"Hey! Wait!" Tech said as he grabbed Type's shoulder while he himself is chasing his breath. "Where... ha... Hold on" He smaller guy took a deep breath before he spoke again "Where do you think you're going?"

"There must be something here that can help us to leave this place. I want to go back now, I'm missing Tharn. I'm longing for Tharn." Type said as he desperately search for something that could possibly help them but there's none, nothing. His tears starts falling but his friend can do nothing but to just console him.

"I'm sure they will find us Type. Let's have faith in them. Tharn surely is searching for you, my parents surely does too and we can leave here after 3 weeks if they fail to do so" Techno said but it didn't calm Type one bit.

"...but I'm missing my mate. Tech, I wanna see Tharn. What if he leave me? What if he realised that he can be without me? I wanna see him Tech" Type starts sobbing. He is over thinking again and his longing feeling is not helping him. Him being away from Tharn makes him think unnecessary things.

"I'm sure Tharn won't leave you Type. I know how you miss him but it won't help you if you over think" Tech said, rubbing his best friend's back.

Tharn is devastated, it has been at least six days since Type is missing and he is nowhere to be found. Tharn is missing his mate badly. He has never felt this helpless before, he likes to be in control but he can do nothing. All he gotta do is wait. Tharn's losing sleep and is exhausted but he still work like usual. He knows that in just a blink of an eye, his competitors will shut him down while he is in his vulnerable state and he won't allow that.

Their leads ended in that middle of the sea. The neighbouring islands got no reports of two found bodies or seen them. Even when they have it broadcasted through the media it wasn't any help. The search and rescue still continues but some people say the two might be dead already however Tharn knows that his mate is still alive and is just somewhere waiting for him to find him.

Win suddenly barge in inside his office, "Tharn, we have a problem" He said.

"What is it?" Tharn asks, his voice is cold and if even if Win is his friend, Win still don't want to get this side of Tharn.

"They're in" Win shows his wicked smile.

"Alright. Did they start tracking?" Tharn smirks, he already had it planned out.

"They did. They're using multiple vpn's so it's kinda hard to track but the team are working on it" Win answered.

"Alright. Which information they were able to access?"

"The Designs, Plan and Format" Win answered. It seems it working the way they want it to be.

Tharn smiks again, "Let's go. They might be needing my help." Tharn said as he grabs his laptop before heading to the network team.

"Let me in" Tharn said as he place his laptop on the table beside the manager. He started typing some codes that only them and people related could understand.

"They're retreating, grab them, play with them for a bit. I'm almost done" He said as he continously typing on his laptop.

After three good minutes, "You can let them go. I'm in, sending you now their ip and location. Track it, take everything you can get and destroy everything" Tharn said. No one messes with him now, not this time. Anyone who comes on his way will be eliminated without a doubt.

He infiltrated the one who were trying to steal their information, those information were just failed projects they have. He plotted it all and the one knows is the manager of the network team, Win and Him, so betrayal will be inevitable. Tharn anticipated that if they won't ask for ransom then possibly one of their employees will be bribed or they will infiltrate their servers and that got a counter attack for all of it. He think that far, he knew how bad his enemies can be and they're willing to do anything including under handed techniques just to bring him down and one possibility is that includes kidnapping Type.

Tharn got Type and Techno's parents monitored and they're not even doing their part of searching for the two, so Tharn thought that they might be part of the plan. They might be the culprit as to what happened to the two.

He released the keyboard followed by exhausted sigh. He watched his team who works hard.

"What did we get?" Tharn asked once the team were successful destroying the infiltrator.

"Company information and people who are behind it" Dean answered. Yes, Dean is the manager of the network team of Tharn. "You're still not rusty at codings, Tharn. The efficient as ever but not as fast as before" Dean commented, mocking and being sarcastic which is just his usual self.

"Shut up, Dean. Any information about last Friday evening? About disappearance of Type and Techno?" Tharn asks, he doesn't care. All he wants for the moment is information that may lead them to find his mate.

"Here, I'll forward it to you. Check it out" Dean said as he keeps looking at his computer.

Tharn receives the file from Dean and after reading he gritted his teeth. He will may them pay, he will make the person's life hell even if Type will go against it. Unfortunately, they don't have the information of Type's whereabouts but he knows now who is behind this and he is determined to take that person down.

Tharn gather his laptop on his hand and stand up "Win, inform the boys that we have to leave in 30 minutes. Inform San too to have his men ready"

Thirty minutes passed and they're on their way. Three cars are speeding up to some place.

After 20 minutes of ride, they arrived at their desired destination. Tharn get off first. The receptionist tries to hold them off but fails to do so. After all he is Tharn Kirigun.

He goes to the office of the president where the man he is searching for stays and luckily they catch the man who is hurrying to tidy up and about to leave his office.

"Going somewhere Mr. Thiwat?" Tharn smirks, leaning on the door.


// Hello hello! This is just a light story without so much angst (I hope and pray to my brain) 😂

Anyway I updated cause it our Anniversary! Happy 1 year waanjai's! Let's keep loving MewGulf 💙♥️

Love lots ♥️💙

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