Part 19.

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Type's POV.

Tharn's here with me. I embrace his smell, I missed him. My tear glands broke and tears keeps flowing down. I feel so relieved when I saw him.

I missed him. I don't know for how long I was hugging him while crying when he carried to the sofa but I don't care. I saw his friends, they all work for Tharn. I am so happy that Tharn found me.

Once I have settled down, San spoke, I see anger in his eyes.

"I'm glad you're okay Type" He said, "I know it's still traumatic but can you tell us how did you ended up here?"

"No, before you answer that, is Techno here?" Another man asked, I am not familiar with his face, I looked at him confused. Why is he asking for my best friend? "I'm sorry, don't get me wrong. I don't mean harm, I am his mate" He said. My blood boils in an instant.

"You're his mate that rejects him?" I said with a high pitched tone. "Yes, he is here. He is in the room where we are staying" He looks sorry but I don't care, I want best for my best friend.

"Can we have Techno here too?" He said not to me but to San.

"Type where is your room?" San asked.

"I always use the back door, I never used this part. So I'm not familiar with the turns." As I recall, There's a lot of turns here and if Sam didn't guide me here, I wouldn't reach the main living room. "Uhm 17C? Yeah" that's what is written on the door." San nods and he left.

"this is P'Sans place?" I turned to Tharn, he just nodded.

"I am happy you found us. Thank you too, Manager Win and Manager Dean. Thank you Sarawat" I said to give them a sincere thank you.

"We are happy to be of help" Manager Win said. I just smiled at him, "Tharn will kill us if we don't help" He jokingly said while Tharn tightened his hug on me.

"How did you know we're here?" I asked Tharn, he hid his head on my nape.

"San's father is involve that's why you are here" He answered. I am confused.

"How is he involved? When we were just dropped from the sky and luckily the current is not strong otherwise me might've died" I can feel again that Tharn tightened the hug, he must be angry.

I rub his hand that is holding me to assure him that I'm okay now, that I am now here with him.

"After we were dropped to the sea. I got lucky as I didn't lose consciousness but Techno did. I drag him to the nearest shore which happened to be here" I added.

Techno arrives with P'San he crying while P'San holds him. We are both close to P'San, so this would be normal. Techno sits beside P'San, he noticed his supposed to be mate is also present and he throws a glare at the man.

"We have no means of contacting someone outside. All we can do is wait" I continued while my tears starts falling down again.

"Sshhh... It's okay now. We can go home already" Tharn said to calm me down.

"How did you know we're here?" Techno asked.

"I want Tharn to answer that" San said while the others are just listening patiently.

Tharn released a deep sigh before he starts talking, "I was worried when you didn't update me and we know from Sarawat about the helicopter that explodes"

"The helicopter exploded?" Techno and I asked at the same time. They just nod.

"Yes the helicopter exploded but no one's in it. It was on autopilot before it explode. We tried tracking you but the leads were dead end. We keep searching but nothing leads to you two. We also have to wait, I am in my vulnerable state and competitors can attack us anytime. We thought that someone must've planned this to distract me. He did but he did not anticipate that I am prepared for it. We confront him and He told us that San's father is involved too" Tharn finished his story and we just nodded.

"What about our parents? They might be worried." Techno said.

"Yes they must be worried" I added.

Their eyes were like talking and it made me curious. They weren't telling us the whole truth.

"Your parents know" P'San said to us.

"You contacted them that you're going to rescue us?" Techno said but they didn't answer. San nodded at their other friends, so they left and go to the room assigned to them while San, Tharn and Champ guy remains. Must be something personal or confidential.

Tharn put me down to sit beside him but he still holds my hand.

"Type... I have something to tell you. It was your father who set it up together with Techno's father and San's" Tharn said and it made me confused.

"What do you mean my father set it up? My father wished us to be gone? He cannot do it. My father is not that bad, he loves me." I said in disbelief.

"Your father Type is a company president and he will do all means to get what he wants. He does all illegal things you could think of. He used his best friend and he used you. He targeted my company and to accomplish that he needs to distract me. He knows we're mate" I'm still confused. No, I can't believe it.

"My father did? No! It got to be a mistake" I said, Tech is looking at me like saying it is possible but no. Dad maybe possessive but he is nice and he is the nicest one I know.

"As we speak Type, your father might be in the jail already paying for all of his sins" P'San said. I looked at Tharn to see if P'San is telling the truth and yes, Tharn nodded. It can't be! He is the only family I have.

"No! You can't do yhis Tharn! I want to see my father Tharn. I want to talk to my father" Tharn nodded.

"We can leave tomorrow and go to your father but for tonight let us rest first" He said I just nodded.

He guided me to his room. San left too but Techno and Champ remains there, I guess they have to talk.

Tharn helped me to bed. He hugs me from behind and I can't feel anything but relief from him and worry for my father.

Hello hello!

I am ending this story 😁😂 The next part will be the last part  of it.

Thank you for all your supports, votes, comments and adding this to your reading list.

Love lots 💙♥️

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