Part 2

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Suddenly, I became fully conscious, still confused, but conscious. Realizing I'm restrained I try jumping out of a blonde boy's arms. He was lean but strong, and held a tight grip. Finally I wriggle out and run. Just run.
Tears fill my eyes but I could make up the green grass, I was outside. Wanting to escape and be alone for just a minute, I run towards and opening in a strange building. The vines grew up along the tall walls.
I ran in as fast as I could. I was coming close to an intersection. Before I could chose which way to go, I was jerked backwards. Someone grabbed me! I put up a short fight before he pulled me back. I started to crumble. He caught and lowered me to the ground. More tears  descend from my eyes, thankfully no one else was around but the tall blonde boy and a dark skinned boy. I could feel I was shaking as I was embraced, comforted.
Shortly, I was ready, I look up. First at one boy, then the other, then the land. I realized the gap wasn't from a building, but from walls. A wall on every side of me. We where on the inside.


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She was still trembleing when her tears slowed.
"Hi" I say cheerily, making her jump from my arms, creating distance between us. "I'm Newt, do you know your name?"
She frowned for a second before releaf came across her face "A-Avery" she said meekly.
"I know you are scared but I want to explain everything to you"
Alby left as I started to give the typical speech to the greenie. Basic stuff really, like the three rules, and that she was in the same boat with the rest of us.
The whole time she just nodded while looking at the new world. "Howcome we can't go out, into the maze?
"Because" I say in a sigh "it's very dangerous and we have selected people to find a safe way out... including me." I say proudly. "Also, you are being made a room by the homestead, but for now you will use mine." :)
"I thought only leads can have a room?" Avery asks. She listens to me? That was definitely a different reaction then the boys.
"Well, you are the exception. I'm guessing you've noticed your the only girl here."
She nods.
"Let's get back and have you fixed up."

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