Chapter 3:Friends

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Katniss's POV

Haymitch is in the middle of talking to me and Peeta when we hear a knock. I walk up to answer it and I see Brutus, Enobaria, and Clove. Brutus and Enobaria motion for Haymitch to step out so they can talk to him and they push Clove inside, she looks scared and nervous, but why, she looks completely opposite to the girl I remember in the arena, she went from vicious to fragile.

Clove's POV

My parents quickly push me into the room and I slowly curse under my breath. I walk in slowly and see Katniss staring at me, she looks like she's trying to figure out a puzzle. I move past her and sit on the chair beside her. After 5 minutes of awkward silence, I speak not being able to take it anymore.

"So....., how are you guys?", I ask weakly.

"Good, how about you?", Peeta asks.

"Pretty good, seeing as I have resurrected from the dead.", I say chuckling slightly. Peeta and Katniss laugh at this, the rest of the time goes by fast, we basically just make small talk until my parents and Haymitch walk back into the room. Haymitch comes up to me and shakes my hand.

"Hey, how you doing sweetheart?", he says sounding genuinely concerned.

"Fine, thanks for asking.", I reply gratefully.

"Well, we better be going.", my mom says sweetly. She and dad wave to Haymitch, Katniss, and Peeta, and walk out of the room. I stay behind and go to hug Katniss.

"I'm sorry for trying to kill you and all, and thanks for being a friend, and call me Clo everyone does.", I whisper to her as I hug her. Before breaking the hug she whispers back

"Don't worry about it and I'm sorry too, also I'd love to become close friends with you, your actually really sweet, and you can call me Kat if you want." I quietly thank her and proceed out of the room, waving to Peeta and Haymitch.

Katniss's POV

Clove walks out of the room and waves to Haymitch and Peeta. I wasn't expecting her to be so sweet and innocent but she was, I can't help but admire her, I mean she has been through so much and she still is nice. Haymitch interrupts my thoughts.

"So..., what do you think of her?", Haymitch says curiously.

"Um..., I think she's nice but I think she's scared of me for some reason.", Peeta says hurt.

"Well, I really like her, she's really sweet and has a good heart, I hope we get close, cause she seems like a good friend to have.", I say wholeheartedly.

"And I think I know why she scared of you.", I say quietly.

"Why?", he asks.

"Because she is probably still having PTSD from getting killed by Thresh, I mean I was there and he grabbed her like a rag doll, and in two seconds she went from a vicious career to a scared little girl, she's probably scared of because you and Thresh have a similar build.", I say.

"Ohh, well I hope that she comes around cause I also like her.", Peeta says a little hurt by the truth.

"Ok, so long story short you both like her and will get along right?", Haymitch asks.

"Yeah!", me and Peeta both say in unison.

"Good", he says and then walks out of the room before I could ask why it was so important that we got along. I realize I haven't seen Prim in a while so I bed Peeta goodbye and head to the house I'm saying at while I'm in the capitol.

Clove's POV

I walk out of the room, shaking, I know I shouldn't be but I'm terrified of Peeta, whenever I see him I just see Thresh staring down at me with eyes full of hatred and J can't wipe the image from my mind. I keep thinking about this until I reach my room, I walk in and see my parents waiting for me. They tell me to sit down and then they begin speaking.

"So, what do you think of Katniss and Peeta?", my mom asks hopefully.

"I think they are both really nice, I really like them", I say lying through my teeth, I mean I really like Katniss but I'm scared of Peeta even though he seems really nice.

"Good", my parents say in unison. I wonder why they care so much but I think about that right now, I think about Cato and I hope he wakes up and remembers cause I don't think I will be able to love without him, he is my best friend, and I realized in the games that he could be more. I'm interrupted by my mom saying that we should head home. I walk outside of the hospital and into my parents car. We drive home in silence, which I don't mind, I've never been much of a people person anyway, it's always been hard for me to make friends, but not with Cato, we clicked as soon as we met that first day at the district two academy.

Flashback to that day

I walked up to the 3rd floor of the academy nervously, I had been moved up two years after the trainers saw my knife throwing. I was 8 while everyone else was 10, but I didn't care it just showed that I was better than them. I walked into the room and the whole class turned and stood there shocked. I heard snickers from everyone except one boy, he was just looking at me curiously, I decided that I had to prove them wrong, so I skipped over to the knife station, grabbed three black blades, I skipped back to the other side of the gym, and focused on my targets, I let each blade go and hit the bullseye every time, the class stood with their mouths hanging open, but the boy just smiled smugly. I decided that he may be worth befriending but the rest of the class was a total no. The trainers yelled for everyone to get back to work, I quickly ran to the night station so that I would be there first, after seeing me throw no one dared to come except the boy. He just stood behind me watching me throw. I turned to him and began talking.

"You should take a picture it lasts longer.", I say trying to hold back my laughs.

"Very funny, what's your name?", he says smirking.

"Clove, what about you?", I reply.

"Cato", he says.

"You want to be friends?", I ask hopefully.

"Sure, Clover", he says smugly.

"Don't call me that", I say annoyed.

"K, Clover, calm down", he says still smirking. I can't take it anymore, I hate it when people don't listen to me, and before I know it, I'm on top of him with a knife to his throat.

"Don't call me that", I growl through my clenched teeth.

"Okay, jeez, I'm sorry", he says. I get off of him and help him up, I then go back to throwing for the rest of the day. As we are walking out he offers to walk me home, I agree. As we are walking he stops me and tells me that he wants to show me something before we go, I say sure. He brings be up a windy path, and at the top is the most beautiful landscape I've ever seen. (I'll put a picture at the bottom)

"It's beautiful Cato", I say in complete awe.

"I thought you would like it Clover", he says. I'm too starstruck to retaliate so I just roll with it. We stay there for what seems like hours, and then he takes me home and walks to his house. We do this everyday, for the rest of the year and on my birthday Cato brings me there and hands me a box, I open and it reveals a gold locket with the engraved phrase "Together or not at all", that was our phrase, and inside is a picture of us ice skating, I love it so much I begin to cry. I jump into his arms and just lay there awhile, we sit in silence but but it's a nice silence for the rest of the day.

Flashback Ended

I walk out of the car and go straight to my room, I falls asleep thinking about all days we spent at our special place.

Hey, so hope you like the long chapter!!! And HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎊🎈🎆!!!! Pls comment !!!!

Hey, so hope you like the long chapter!!! And HAPPY NEW YEAR 🎊🎈🎆!!!! Pls comment !!!!

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