Chapter 8: Home

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Clove's POV

I hear the shrill voice of my district escort and I'm forced to look away from the beautiful mountains. I adjust Adri on my waist and head out to the main living area. I walk in and all eyes are on me.
"What?", I ask rudely.
"President Snow is here, and he wants to see you and Cato", Calliope states excitedly. I scowl at the name, Snow, he killed thousands of children, he killed Bianka, and now he's gonna pay.
"Where is he?", I spit venomously as I hand Adri to my mom.
"He's in the study with Cato dear", Calliope says. I begin to walk towards the study passing the table on the way and see the opportunity to snatch a knife so I do, there is no way I'm going in there unarmed. I slide the knife into my sleeve and it looks as if it's invisible. I walk in and see four peacekeepers as well as Snow and Cato sitting opposite each other, I quietly take the seat next to Cato and just glare at Snow.
"Good morning, Miss. Kentwell and Mr.Hadley I've come here today to explain to you how things are gonna work. First off I have been told that you have both been notified that you will be receiving houses in the Victors Village..." , Snow says sickeningly.
"Why?", I state bluntly.
"Well my dear I feel that both you and Mr. Hadley were more than capable of winning the games and I would like to commend you for that. Second, you will both be receiving the newest capitol inventions...", he pauses as one of the peacekeepers places a box with two silver bands in them.
"Bracelets", I scoff.
"Not just any bracelets Miss.Kentwell, no these are incredible inventions..", he says proudly.
"What do they do?", Cato asks before I can.
"I'm glad you asked that Mr.Hadley, well they give the person that is wearing them an entire different appearance, and before you ask why you are begging given these let me explain, both of you are supposed to be dead but you aren't and that's a big problem. If the both of you can defy the capitol and leave unscathed what's to stop others from doing it as well. I need you to both wear theses whenever you are outside the Victors Village, and along with changing appearance wise you both need to have another name and personality because according to everyone else Clove Kentwell as well as Cato Hadley is dead and I'd like to keep it that way. If you refuse then there will be dire consequences.", he says as he stares daggers. Becoming a completely different person, he can't be serious, why are we being blamed for being alive, the capitol is the one who revived us. Before I can stop myself I feel my emotions taking control of my, I clutch the knife and before I know it, it's flying towards a gaping Snow. THUD It sinks into the wooden chair just inches away from his head. Peacekeepers immediately grab be and drag me out, I should not have done that but I did.

Cato's POV

I sit there with my mouth hanging open as Clove gets dragged out of the room. I turn to President Snow and see no change in his expression.
"She could have killed you...", I say quietly still in shock.
"Exactly she wasn't trying, if she was I would be dead", he stays calmly.
"Is she going to be punished?", I ask scared for Clove but not showing it.
"No after all there was no real harm done, but please let her know that I won't be so nice next time, oh and don't forget the bracelets", he says as he hands them to me. He stands and walks away surrounded by his peacekeepers. I walk out of the room to find Enobaria and Brutus screaming at Clove.
"Are you insane? How could you throw a knife at Snow?", Enobaria screams.
"Well it's not like I was trying to kill him, he would be dead, I was just trying..", Clove begins but is interrupted by her mom.
"Trying to what? Intimidate him? Come in Clo your smarter than that." Enobaria screams.
"I don't know okay, I couldn't stop myself, I have to make him pay", Clove screams back as she grabs Adri and storms off to her room.
"Unbelievable", Enobaria says irritated. She then storms off as well, I guess the apple really doesn't fall far from the tree. I clutch the bracelets and make my way to Clove's room.

Clove's POV

I can't believe I did that, he could have me killed, he could have my family killed. I'm interrupted by knocking.
"Who is it?", I ask frustratedly.
"It's Cato, I need to talk to you", he says pleadingly.
"No, just go away", I shout.
"Please Clo", he asks again. I'm in tears by now , I put everyone I love in danger.
"Fine", I say shakily. He opens the door and sits on my bed beside me.
"Are you ok?", he asks seeing the tears stream down my face.
"Why wouldn't I be? I mean I just threw a knife at the freaking president! Why am I so stupid? Why? What is wrong with me?", I scream at him in frustration, Adri starts crying.
"Your not stupid, and there's nothing wrong with you, you were just angry", he says as he extends his arms offering to console Adri. I hand her to him and look down in shame. I can't believe I'm crying, I'm supposed of be a career not a princess. I wipe my eyes, and try to regain my composure.
"What did you need to talk to me about?", I ask with my usual cold expression.
"Oh um first Snow said he wouldn't press charges or anything like that cause no real damage was done, second he told me to give you your bracelet and he said we must practice with them", he says as he hands me my bracelet. He places Adri down on the bed and gets ready to slip his on.
"Ready, one, two, three", I say as I slip mine on. We both turn to look in the mirror.
"Oh my God", I say stare at my self. I am easily 5'10", I have a perfect figure, luscious honey golden curls, and the most beautiful stormy blue eyes. I'm beautiful. I turn to Cato, he's as handsome as ever, stop it, I tell myself. He has chocolate brown hair and the most amazing sea green eyes.
"Wow", he says as he runs his hands through his hair.
"Ok, now we need to basically come up with alternate personalities, yay that's gonna be fun", I say my voice dripping with sarcasm.
"Oh come on it's not that bad, first names, um you have any in mind?", he asks.
"Well I have two, Elara and Nova, I saw them somewhere and fell in love with them", I say as I stare at myself.
"Ok, so how about Elara-Nova Kentwell", he says staring at me, I feel blood rush up to my cheeks.
"I love it, thanks", I say as I look away trying to hide my blush.
"Ok, my turn, I've always loved the names Damon and Ace", he says shyly.
"So Ace Damon Hadley", I ask.
"Yes it's perfect", he says staring at himself.
"Now personalities", I say while letting out a sigh, this is gonna be tough.
"Well how about we just act opposite to our real personalities, you need to act sweet, bubbly, flirty and I need to act shy, nice, and sensitive", he says proudly.
"Ugh that's gonna be a nightmare for me, I mean you basically just described Glimmer", I scowl at the name.
"Who?", he asks confused.
"The district 1 female", I say with disgust.
"Oh well I think it's a good idea, come on", he asks playfully bumping my arm.
"Fine", I say as a smile creeps onto my face.
"Let's go show the others", he says grabbing my hand, I tense up at first but slowly loosen up. We walk in and all eyes go to us. Everyone's jaws are practically touching the floor.
"Snow gave us these bracelets that change the way we look so that no one bows we are alive except family and he said we had to have alternate names as well as personalities", Cato rushes out.
"Oh wow!", Cato's mother says as she comes over to us.
"So what are your fake names?", Ash asks.
"Well mine is Elara-Nova and Cato's is Ace Damon", I say.
"Pretty", my mother says. We're interrupted the squeal of Calliope.
"Oh my don't you two just look stunning", she says as she admires us. Just as I'm about to thank her the train begins slowing and soon comes to a stop.
"Now President Snow told me that the story is that after the loss of your children you decided to adopt", Calliope says to our parents. They nod and we gather our things and make our way out of the train, thankfully no ones there so we have no explaining to do, just as I'm about to get into the car I see none other than the district two slut and bitch, Lisette Bellona.

Hola! I'm so sorry for the late update I've just had super bad writers block and I didn't know what to do but I'm happy that I finally got another chapter up! And I hope no one minds that this is shorter than the previous! Anyway please comment and vote, I really appreciate it! Sorry if there are any mistakes! Until next time! 🙃😜


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