Chapter 5:Visit

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Clove's POV
I am woken up by Ava, telling me it's time for breakfast, thank God I didn't have anymore nightmares.
"Hey Clo, how are you doing? You seemed pretty shaken up last night.", Ava says as she sits on the edge of my bed.
"I'm better, I had a really bad nightmare about the games.", I say while beginning to tear up at the thought of it.
"You wanna tell me about it?", she asks gingerly.
"Sure", I say while tears begin to run down my cheek. She motions for me to come closer to her, she is much taller than me so I basically lay in her lap while she strokes my hair.
"Well, I woke up and I was in the arena and I heard you and all the others screaming. I rushed around to find you, but I wish I'd didn't....", I pause as I'm completely crying now.
"Sshshsh It's okay Clo. None of its real,your never going back there.", Ava reassures me. I woke my tears and continue.
"I found each of you killed my Thresh with your specialty weapon, and I couldn't do anything to help you. The worst was Evie and Gwen cause they went already dead when I found them, I watched Thresh hack away at their bodies while they were screaming my name, and then I woke up.", I say while trying to stop myself from crying.
"Don't worry that will never happen", Ava says. She then kisses the top of my head and walks out telling me to get dressed and go downstairs. I get out of bed and walk over to my vanity, I flip the switch on the radio, only victors and their families are allowed to have them, my favorite song comes on, it's a very old one, it's called A Thousand Years, I begin to brush my hair and sing softly, unlike most of my siblings I can sing fairly well, but only when I'm alone. After I brush my hair out I put into a loose fishtail braid to the side, I walk over to my closet and pull out a pair of black sweatpants and a matching black sweatshirt. I slip them on and head downstairs.
"Morning Clo, you feeling better?", my mom asks gingerly.
"Yep!", I say while popping the p, sometimes I don't even understand my own emotions, one moment I can be crying the next happy. My parents look at me strangely, but soon continue to whatever they were doing. I say good morning to everyone else and head to the table to eat breakfast, everyone follows suite and sits down as well. My parents serve us all and then themselves.
"So, Ava, Alex do you think you can watch the rest of your siblings today, cause we're gonna be gone with Clo for a bit", my dad says, while chewing on his pancake.
"I can't, I made plans today", Ava says in a whiny voice.
"I can, and Cece can help me since Ava isn't gonna be here.", Alex replies.
"You okay with that Cece?", my mom asks.
"Yeah!", Cece says delighted that she's finally gonna be in charge. We don't talk for the rest of the meal and when we're done the rest of the kids go about their business, Ava says bye and leaves, and it's just me and my parents.
"Ok, Clo we're gonna take you down to the capitol tribute center, and then the doctor.", my mom says that last part quickly.
"Why am I going to the doctor?", I say and a very annoyed voice.
"Well, you had a very vivid dream last night and your mood swings have been going on since you came back, so we are taking you to the doctor to make sure everything is fine.", my dad says calmly.
"Fine", I say annoyed. My mom and dad grab their things and walk out, I run up to use the restroom quickly, and walk back down, I see Vivi reading a book on the couch.
"Bye!", I say to Vivi as I pass her.
"Where are you going?", Vivi asks curiously.
"To see Cato", I reply.
"Ohhh...that's nice!", Vivi says with a smirk on her face.
"What?", I say in an annoyed voice.
"Nothing!", Vivi says in a stupid sing song voice.
"Vivienne Eliana Kentwell! You better tell me or your gonna be sorry!", I yell as I rush towards her.
"Fine fine I tell you, no need to go all violent on me!", Vivi says with a grin.
"Well....go on", I say annoyed.
"When you "died" in the arena, Cato said that he loved you and always had...", I interrupt her.
"So he's my best friend, I'm sure he didn't mean it romantically", I say flabbergasted.
"Are you sure cause then he bent down and kissed you......on the lips", Vivi says with a smirk. I stand there with my mouth agape, he likes he loves me, I can't believe it, all these years, I skip out of the house looking like a giddy school girl. I hop into the car and start humming my favorite song, while we drive, we get there after 15 minutes, my parents say that they'll meet in a little while cause they have other things to do, I'm still thinking about what Vivi said so I decide I see him last.
"Mom, Dad do you know where I can find Katniss and Peeta?", I ask.
"Yeah, they should be on the 12th floor", my dad replies as he and my mom walk off. I walk up to the building and enter the revolving doors, I find the elevator and hit the number 12 button. As the elevator goes up my stomach churns, I hate elevators, they make me sick, but they are better than stairs. The elevator dings and then opens, it reveals a lavish penthouse, I walk in awkwardly, and ask if anyone is there. Effie runs out form a hallway, looking alarmed.
"Oh you gave me a fright dear!", she says in her capitol accent.
"Sorry", I say.
"Oh it's fine, Katniss, Peeta, Clove is hear to see you!", she shouts down the corridor.
"Coming!", Katniss shouts. She then walks into the room with a little blonde girl who I'm guessing is her sister, but Peeta is nowhere to be seen. She walks over to me, and hugs me, I return it, her sister looks bewildered by me and scared of me.
"Hey Clo, what are you doing here?", Katniss asks oblivious to her sister.
"I was just wondering if you wanted to hang out, cause I'm visiting Cato", I say.
"Sure, this is Prim, by the way, she's my little sister.", Katniss moves so Prim comes into view.
"Hi Prim, I'm Clove, but you can call me Clo if you like", I say in my sweet voice.
"Aren't you supposed to be dead?", she says, Katniss hits her shoulder, and mouths 'I'm sorry' to me.
"Oh it's fine, I would've asked the same thing, well apparently someone in the capitol put special medicine in my tracker, it made my heartbeat stop to make it seem like I was dead, but I really wasn't so they brought me to the hospital and helped me." I say in one breath.
"Oh that makes sense, are you gonna try to hurt me?", she says shyly, Katniss slaps her arm softly and apologizes to me again.
"No, I'm sorry that I made you think that", I say a little hurt.
"Oh well okay, Hi Clo!", she says happily. She then runs off to what I think is her room.
"Sorry about her", Katniss says embarrassed.
"It's fine you should meet my 12 siblings!", I say while laughing.
"You have 12 siblings?!", she asks with her mouth open.
"Yep!", I say popping the p.
"Lord, I can barely take care of Prim", she says while laughing and sitting, motioning me to sit next to her.
"It's not that bad, ......actually who am I kidding it's pretty bad but also fun!", I say.
"What are there names and ages?", she asks.
"Well... there's Avary who's 18 but we call her Ava, then there's Alexander who's 17 we call him Alex, then there's me and my twin sister Clara, who we call Cece, we're both 15, then there's Sebastian who's 14,we call him Ash, then there's the quads, it's Vivienne, Isabelle, James, and Theodore who are all 13, we call them Vivi, Izzy, Jay, and Teddy, then there's Luke and Leia, they are twins and they are 11, then finally there are the twins Genevieve and Gwendolyn, there 6 and they go by Evie and Gwen!", I say while laughing.
"Wow, that's a lot of people to keep track of!", she says.
"Yeah, but let's stop talking about our annoying siblings, what do you wanna do?", I ask.
"Well....we could pull a huge prank on Effie!", she says with an evil grin.
"Yeah girl, now you are speaking my language, I am the queen of pranks!", I say with a devious smirk.
"We'll see who's the best!", she says while laughing. It feels so good to just laugh and joke around with someone my age, I mean I have friends back home, but I don't have anyone here.
"Okay, so what do you think we should do?", I ask.
"I don't know, do you have any ideas?", she asks.
"Ummm.....maybe we can rig a bucket of water to spill on her when she walks out of her room, and then we can throw a bunch of flour at her, me and Ash did that to Luka and Leia once and it was hilarious, it took them an hour to walk it out!", I say while laughing at the memory.
"Yes,that's perfect she's gonna kill us!", she replies, I then remember that Peeta isn't here and decide to ask.
"Hey, I noticed before that Peeta wasn't here, where is he?", I ask curiously.
"Well....., um....", she answers nervously.

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