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AN:// mentions of abuse. Doesn't go into immense detail as it's a touchy subject. Be safe when reading, reach out if you need xx

Upon a grand and eloquent hill sat the Evergreen Manor. The exterior filled with seemingly endless emerald grassy paddocks, a fruit orchard filled with the finest of citrus, a quidditch pitch that was nearly as large as the real pitch and an enchanted looking forest in the distance.

The house itself was something that belonged to a museum. The rich, Greek inspired architecture dancing at every corner. Statues aligned in the front courtyard, behind the intimidating black gates. The Manor was simply prodigious in all its glory, having been built in the 1800's by the Evergreen's ancestors.

The turrets stood proudly, the only telltale sign for the age of their property

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The turrets stood proudly, the only telltale sign for the age of their property. Needless to say, everyone knew of their land.


"Lauren if I have to yell at you to come down here one more time you'll be sleeping in the rubbish bin!" Estella Evergreen bellowed from her rocking chair, her spectacles falling back onto her chest as the elderly woman silently tutted under her breath.

Lauren Evergreen was certain that most fourteen year olds didn't have to put up with aiding a tyrannical demon in her last dying days.

Lauren Evergreen was certain that most fourteen year olds didn't have to put up with aiding a tyrannical demon in her last dying days

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She sighed as she quickly pinned her dark hair away from her face and adjusted her red sleeveless dress. It was an unwritten law in every pureblood family to scream perfection in ones body image and presentation.

Even though her parents hadn't taken care of her in around, well ever actually she could still hear her mother scolding her for daring to wear jeans in the winter time at the Manor.

Her family was complicated as most purebloods were. Her parents were avid Death Eaters, loyal to the treacherous dark lord. When Voldemort had been defeated by a literal baby, his followers had to flee or come clean. The man was bonkers trying to impose his racial views in a desperate attempt for power and his followers committed mass murder alongside him.

Her parents Prudence and Gerald had chosen to fled to America in hiding, choosing to leave behind the Manor and their daughter to aide her grandmother.

They visited frequently, never staying for very long in fear of being traced. Their presence was often enough to instil the strict and restrained ways of how purebloods should look and behave.

Lauren sighed once more as she descended the two flights of stairs to get to the lower level foyer.

Estella sat perched on the edge of the mahogany rocking chair, the creaking echoing off the quiet walls.

Lauren walked around the corner. "You wanted to see me, grandmother?" She asked politely.

Estella's glasses fell off her nose once more, it used to amuse Lauren how flustered she'd become about her "lost glasses" that were indeed hanging on her neck.

Her wrinkled fingers yanked the chain back onto her nose. "Your mother and father wanted me to let you know they'll be returning permanently. It seems the Ministry is already weakening. And they want to see you off for your first year at Hogwarts."

How could Lauren forget, she was starting fourth year at a school finally. Being homeschooled by Estella had indeed been interesting. She'd picked up her materials quickly and was extremely bright for her age, and given the book list she was well advanced for her time. It was always too dangerous for her to mix in with others.

If it hadn't been for her only friend Draco Malfoy occasionally visiting with his parents, she'd surely have no contact with the outside world.

That was all about to change.

Estella cleared her throat as she saw her granddaughter zone out. "There will also be a Death Eaters meeting tomorrow afternoon. I know you don't like to be mixed up with that stuff, and nor should you be. Draco will be coming, you two must stay in your room or at least away from the meeting room."

Lauren nodded, she was terrified of the Death Eaters that she didn't know of, and when Estella gives a warning it's generally serious.

Although her parents were loyal to the dark arts, Lauren had no real idea what stance Estella had. She was adamant in protecting Lauren from it all, and Lauren was convinced she was just an old lady who didn't give a rats ass about Voldemort.

On the plus side, Draco would be coming! She hadn't seen him since he'd finished his third year at Hogwarts. He was ecstatic that Lauren would be attending for fourth year. They'd written every single day at one stage as soon as he found out.

He was her only friend, but truly the only person who was in the same position she was in. Forced into this restrained lifestyle. Parents being Death eaters and never living up to the standards expected of them. They found comfort and safety in one another.


The hours went by all too quickly. They usually do when there's something you're dreading in the foreseeable future. Her parents were not the best at displaying their love and affection. In fact, it was borderline abuse as they watched everything she'd eat, control her posture, force her into etiquette classes and, in serious cases, had taken out their emotional pain physically on their daughter. Those scars and bruises had healed and given their absent statuses, Lauren felt comfortable being away from them.

Things were going to change.

She was interrupted by the door sensor blaring, signalling her parents return.

Lauren raced down the stairs, she'd been told off before for her tardiness. Her hair flew behind her as she dodged a few house elves who had come out of the kitchen to investigate the hurricane coming down the stairs.

"Sorry, Plunky!" She apologised as she nearly wiped out one of her favourite elves.

"That's okay, Master Lauren!" Plunky called as he grinned with his three teeth.

Lauren made it into the foyer a few minutes before her family, catching her breath quickly as she smoothed her dress down.

Prudence and Gerald appeared not a moment later, giving her a small smile. "Nice to see you, darling." Her mother took off her sunglasses and scrutinised her daughter. "Although red was never your colour."

Lauren blushed and apologised under her breath. Gerald had already thrown their suitcases on the ground and growled for the elves to hurry up putting them away. He stormed off towards his room, not bothering to waste his time greeting his child properly.

Prudence took the pins out of Lauren's hair and re-pinned them tighter on her head, just about scraping her scalp. Lauren silently grimaced as she was positive it was in the same spot as before. Her mother just couldn't bear to have her daughter be independent.

Lauren let out a deep breath as her mother stalked off to go greet Estella in the next room. Lauren took the opportunity to escape back to her room.

Her room was a safe place for her. The walls painted a mint green as her artworks decorated them. She smiled as she'd noticed Plunky had left her a tray of chocolate frogs and liquorice wands to snack on neatly sorted on her bed. She pulled out her sketch book from her dresser and began a new sketch of the landscape outside her window.

Drawing helped her drown out her parents arguing.

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