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Lucius had met up with them once the commotion had died down and the other death eaters had vanished, urging them all the leave that very night.

Lauren and Draco's bags were already packed by Dobby, and the group of four had decided to sneak past the front desk; after all Mr Roberts wouldn't be there.

Draco and Lauren were both still in shock and anxious after all the commotion that had gone down. "You two, alright? Did anyone give you any trouble?" Lucius asked.

Draco shook his head. "We followed Dobby's instructions to wait in the woods." He quietly answered.

Lucius nodded, glad that the two kids were safe. He had urged Dobby to apparate the gear back to the Evergreen Manor as the other three headed off to the front welcoming area once more.

They passed by hundreds of people, both wounded and scarred. Majority of the crowd was aiming to leave, afraid that if they stick around more death eaters would come.

After their gruesome walk back to the portkey, they'd finally made it back to the Manor. Wordlessly, everyone clambered inside. Eager to sleep the nights happenings away.

Lucius had stayed on the foyer, probably waiting for his death eater buddies to return. As Draco and Lauren ascended the second staircase he spoke up. "You did really amazing tonight, you know with those kids." His voice was so quiet but each word confidently spoken.

Lauren nudged him. "We both did great, thank you. Do you mind if I have a sleepover in your room? I don't think I'll be sleeping very much. It's okay though if you want your space-"

"Done deal, come on." He grinned and picked up his pace again. Stairs were a real bitch sometimes.

As he opens the door for them, Lauren quickly ducked into her room to grab another set of pyjamas; only just realising how dirty hers had become amongst the chaos.

She had a quick shower in her ensuite upon better judgement and entered Draco's room with her long hair nearly braided.

He was already resting on his bed wearing black flannel pants and a white tee. Only now did Lauren realise he had a rather nasty gash on his arm.

She sat down beside him and reached for her wand that she'd lazily thrown earlier. Murmuring to herself she smiled as his wound healed itself instantly.

Draco's eyes widened as he slowly flexed his arm to see the damage. "That's incredible, Laur. Thank you." He whispered.

She smiled and shrugged it off. He pulled the covers back for her.

They talked through what had just happened before finally drifting off in the early hours of the morning. Draco played with her hair and cuddled her before he drifted off too.


A few days had passed and the pair were packing for Hogwarts. Well, Lauren still had to pack and Draco was not helping her procrastination. The git had already packed his earlier and found it most amusing that Lauren, as usual, was pushing it for time.

A bright turquoise box with a green bow sat on her bed, Lauren had failed to notice it earlier in her tired state. Her fingers delicately unwrapped the box to reveal a stunning emerald green dress.

A note from Plunky was attached, "Master Prudence insists on you packing this

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A note from Plunky was attached, "Master Prudence insists on you packing this. She scolded me to make sure I didn't claim clothes. Enjoy your clothes!" He had attempted to sign off with his name however it looked more like "Funky" than anything else.

Lauren hadn't the faintest idea, and she turned to Draco; who was lounging on her bed. "Did your parents pack you a fancy outfit? Is that normal?"

Draco smiled. "They did the same, insisted I take it with me. It's not particularly normal, I haven't a clue either."

She nodded in understanding and returned to her mess of clothes. Sighing, she waved her wand as each shirt folded itself neatly and packed it. Her books and supplies were already in the trunk, she'd had a brief read of her books but didn't bother with them as she already knew the content.

Draco laughed and shook his head. "For someone who complains so much you always manage to pack in two minutes."

Lauren was about to retaliate, but the platinum haired boy had a very fair point.

Before they could continue their conversation, Plunky appeared with the familiar pop.

"Plunky wanted to wish Master Lauren and Mr Draco a safe year. Packed some sweets," he added the large bag on top of her trunk before fastening it for her.

"Thank you, Plunky. I'll miss you." She hugged the elf before he took both of their trunks in preparation for their send off.

Draco and Lauren silently said their goodbyes to the Manor as they set up to meet Lucius and Narcissa.

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