Twenty Nine

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Easter holidays were fast approaching, majority of students were excited to head home for the short break. However it was two days before the break when Lauren received a rather disappointing letter.

Mail wasn't her usual start to the morning, aside from Narcissa's weekly letters wondering about their weeks and sending candy. So she was surprised when a letter fell neatly in her lap, the writing on the envelope looked rushed and scrawled.

Her eyebrows furrowed as she opened it carefully. Tears welled in her eyes as she read the contents:


Don't come home for the Easter Holidays, it's not the safest for you at this time. Can't say much in a letter but The Dark Lord is getting strong again...strong enough to return. Stay at Hogwarts, I know the Malfoys will choose the same for Draco. When it's safe, I will send a letter explaining what I know. And when you're home again, you will find out more.

Stay safe, I love you.
- Estella

The first letter she'd received in months and it was advising her to stay away. Deep down she understood and was thankful someone was interested in her safety. But the letter did worry her, the writing looked vastly different than her usual neat layout. It was messy and riddled with spelling errors. Hopefully another letter explaining a bit more would arrive soon.

Draco stole a glance at the girl beside him and instantly wrapped an arm around her shoulder. "You received a letter too, didn't you?" He leaned in close to whisper.

Lauren nodded numbly. "Advising me to stay here for the break? Yeah, cryptic and mysterious." She whispered back.

Draco's face fell as he realised she was close to tears. He kept his left arm around her shoulder and held her hand tightly under the table with his free hand.

"I'll show you my letter when we are back in the common room." He muttered to her before returning to his breakfast.

Blaise spoke up. "Do you mind if we make a quick stop to the library? I need to cram in some revision and the common room will be too noisy."

Goyle looked confused for a second and waited a minute before answering. "This school has a library?"

He was met with silence as each of his friend looked at him in turn, unaware if he was joking or not. Blaise laughed. "Yes, yes it does. You've been going for four years, have been in there and didn't realise it was a library?"

Goyle shrugged. "Just thought the ravenclaws liked books." Crabbe nodded in understanding as the rest of the group laughed. None were surprised at his thinking.

Draco stashed his letter into his pocket before quickly finishing his food. His own anxiety was playing up a bit and the Great Hall seemed more crowded than ever. He could see Krum head out the doors, probably to spy on Hermione as it was a big rumour that she was leading Harry and Viktor on. Draco was just surprised a mudblood had anyone fancying her.

He stopped his train of thought for a second and mentally scolded himself. He knew Lauren hated that word, enough scoldings from her had made his mindset turn slightly. He still hated their kind, infiltrating magic and living amongst muggles. However, he wanted to listen to Lauren and to take her feelings into consideration. She was everything he wanted and aspired to be.

He was ripped out of his mental zone as the group stood up, their plates all empty. Blaise hadn't fully thought the library idea through and hadn't brought any of his books.

"In my defence I did not think any of you would agree to spend a Saturday at the library!" He raised his arms in surrender as Daphne, Crabbe and Goyle went off about having to walk back to the dungeons and then up to the library.

Catch Me if I Fall {Draco Malfoy}Where stories live. Discover now