Twenty Seven

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After one conversation with Theodore Nott, Lauren knew exactly why she'd avoided prior contact. The guy couldn't keep his eyes off of her; Draco was slowly plotting every way to harm him.

Theodore gave a lazy smirk as he looked Lauren up and down again, to which Lauren took another step slightly behind Draco. "The elves have access to anything you desire. Their magic works inside the grounds. Gather as many bottles of as many different alcohols. This will be one to remember."

Draco's tone was dry as he deadpanned. "Where do we store it?"

Nott rolled his eyes. "Do I have to figure everything out? Use your brains and don't get caught. See you at the party, darling." He winked at Lauren before sauntering down the corridor.

Lauren scoffed. "If he makes one move I hope he's prepared to live without his hand." Her green eyes lit with mischief.

Draco grinned and swung an arm around his best friends shoulder. "We'll head down to the kitchens after the feast, teachers will be preoccupied and the elves won't be worrying about dinner."

He made a fair point. Lauren smiled to herself as they made their way towards the Great Hall for supper. It was exciting holding such a secret, the adrenaline made her walk quicker.

Blaise met the duo outside the doors. "You spoke to him?" He asked.

Malfoy nodded. "Heading to the kitchens after the Feast." He said.

Blaise grinned wickedly as they walked to their usual spot. Daphne waved them over. "Thank Merlin you're back - nearly blew brain cells talking to Crabbe and Goyle for so long!" She whispered quite loudly to the trio.

They all laughed. The Hall quietened as Dumbledore walked to the podium. "There is only one announcement tonight. The third task will be held on the 24th June. One week prior, the champions will be briefed on their duties. I advise everyone to take caution, the last task is the most excitable and dangerous," he paused and smiled. "And to that - eat!" He clapped his hands as the plates and goblets appeared simultaneously.

The Feast went in the blink of an eye. Daphne was by far the most excited for the Slytherin party, claiming nothing interesting ever happens. She'd made sure to organise an outfit for Lauren.

"You're not wearing jeans." She deadpanned before Lauren could protest. Lauren settled for rolling her eyes.

After the dessert plates had disintegrated and the students were filing outside, Draco took Lauren's hand and guided her to the small door by the Entrance Hall. They couldn't risk using lanterns upon fear of being caught, Draco held Lauren's left hand and used his free hand to trace the walls. The corridor wasn't spacious, the cramped walls and pitch black aura made it feel extremely deserted. Lauren's shoulder kept brushing against Draco's. She'd made sure to carry a bag with an extension charm, to save them from dropping bottles and carrying anything.

He held out his arm once he'd felt the wall end. His fingers traced the wall in front, counting two paintings across to make sure he'd found the one. The only way inside was to tickle the pear in the fruit bowl painting. He gently scratched a rough estimate of the fruit until the wall moved. The lights from the kitchen illuminated their senses, Lauren squinted after being in the dark for so long.

The house elves rejoiced at the sight of visitors. Lauren and Draco both gasped as they caught sight of Dobby, Draco's old house elf. Harry Potter had tricked Lucius into handing Dobby an item of clothing, freeing him from the Malfoy Manor. Deep down, Lauren and Draco knew Dobby was better off elsewhere. Even Draco had an underlying fear of crossing his father.

Dobby jumped up excitedly. "Master Draco, Master Lauren!" He ran to them and hugged them with his small and bony arms.

Lauren smiled. "Dobby! How have you been?" She asked. Draco smiled too.

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