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"We leave in ten minutes!" Caspian called into Diana's room as she ran around, collecting her final things for the journey

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"We leave in ten minutes!" Caspian called into Diana's room as she ran around, collecting her final things for the journey. Neither knew how long they would be gone. Hopefully not long, as Caspian still had a country to run and Diana had her own duties to attend to.

For the time being, Caspian's Professor had promised to make any important decisions, if any should arise. Caspian wasn't worried about it forever. Narnia hadn't seen war in three years. There had been peace across the land.

Diana was about to lock her bedroom door behind her before she remembered about Edmund's shirt. She set her trunk down once again and pulled the covers off her bed, searching the sheets until she found the white, wrinkled shirt half under one of her pillows. She grabbed it and threw it into her trunk, this time leaving her room for good.

"Can I help, Miss Diana?" Asked one of the guards stationed down the hall. She barely heard him, as she was making a mental checklist in her head. She had her sword, her dagger, her bow and arrows, har armour, her brush, Edmund's shirt, multiple pairs of brown trousers, tunics, a few dresses, her bind, undergarments, and pieces of leather for her hair. She also remembered her soap and a towel.

"No, I'm quite alright, thank you." She said, rushing past him. He was the same guard that had asked her to dinner last month. She didn't understand why he couldn't take a hint.

She wasn't interested in palace guards.

She was, in fact, interested in strong, tall, smart, funny, dark haired, pale skinned kings of Narnia and she only knew of one.

She hadn't seen Edmund in three years, but she thought about him constantly. Each day felt easier to get through, knowing she was a day closer to seeing him again, whenever that would be.

Diana rushed through the castle and made it to the port just in time. Caspian sent her an amused grin as she scrambled over the loading bridge just before it was removed from the side of the ship.

"Just in time!" She told her friend, giving him a smile. He chuckled and asked the captain of the ship, Drinian, to take her trunk to her room.

The Dawn Treader was a large ship that had proven trustworthy on many sailing ships before this one. Caspian loved the ship, it was like a second home to him. He loved being out on the open sea and Diana could tell he was beyond excited for their next great mission.

"Sails up!" Drinian called once he returned from below deck. "Let's find ourselves some Telmarine lords"

A/N: Here it is! The prologue! AHH! Honestly, is it really a Diana Montgomery prologue if we don't get our BROTP Caspian and Diana in? I don't think so. The first chapter will be published soon :)

Diana Montgomery and the Dawn Treader || E. PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now