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Diana was held in a cellar for most of the night, gagged, with her arms tied together in front of her

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Diana was held in a cellar for most of the night, gagged, with her arms tied together in front of her.

It was all too similar to when her mother had dragged her from Aslan's camp. Back when she was only thirteen.

Diana's face was caked with dirt from struggling to fight off the men. One of them had slapped her hard, and with a sharp jeweled ring on his finger, he tore the skin on her cheek.

She knew that the wound would become infected with all the dirt but it didn't seem to matter to the men. They said they wouldn't be selling her to slave holders. They didn't lock her up with Edmund and Caspian.

No. They said they would be sacrificing her.

Diana was ashamed to say that she was terrified. She hadn't felt this scared in thirteen hundred years. But she couldn't tell who she was more terrified for. Herself, or her friends.

Diana tried to calm herself down, telling herself that Reepicheep and Drinian would come looking for them at dawn. They wouldn't sell Lucy and Eustace until the sun was up and the city was awake.

For now, for all Diana knew, Edmund and Caspian were safe, locked in a dungeon somewhere.

They would be alright. Her friends aboard the Dawn Treader would save them.

But she had no idea what would happen to her. From what she could recall from her readings, sacrifices tended to happen during a witching hour, though that was different for everyone depending on their beliefs or the type of sacrifice they were performing.

And a lot of the time, sacrifices involved dying.

A tear slipped down Diana's cheek. She may have been immortal, but Aslan had made it very clear that she could be slayed in battle.

She had just gotten Edmund back. She hadn't even had time to spend a minute alone with him.

For a moment, Diana let herself be selfish. She wanted to be saved. She wanted to see Edmund again. She wanted to see Caspian again. She wanted to see Lucy and hell, she even wanted to hear Eustace's annoying voice.

She had no idea how long she'd been in the cellar but when the first rays of sunlight began to pour through the grate of an open window, she sighed in relief. Maybe she could be saved after all.

But just as she thought that, the door to the cellar swung open and a large man pounded down the set of stairs, storming towards her. He gripped her harshly by her arms, strong enough to leave bruises, and pulled her to her feet.

"No!" She tried to say, but because of the gag, it came out more as a "numph!"

The man looked at her as if she was born from some otherworldly creature and she mentally cursed her white hair, which she once thought as beautiful, but now wanted to chop off.

Diana Montgomery and the Dawn Treader || E. PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now