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"What are you doing out here?" Came Edmund's voice

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"What are you doing out here?" Came Edmund's voice. Diana didn't turn to look at him. Instead, she kept her attention on the water that reflected the light of the stars. Nearly everyone had gone to bed, leaving the deck empty and devoid of life. The waves rocked the boat gently, causing Diana to sway slightly. A cold breeze bit at her skin, leaving her covered in goosebumps.

He stood directly behind her, close enough that his chest was brushing her back. She let herself lean into him.

"You need some sleep." He whispered. His fingers gently brushed her hair, gathering up into his hand so he could pull it away from her neck. He pressed his lips softly against the place between her neck and her shoulder.

Diana let herself shut her eyes, basking in his warmth.

"I'm not tired." Diana insisted, though her eyes were drooping and she had gripped the side of the ship to stay on her feet. Edmund let go of her hair and wrapped his arms around her waist, settling his head on her shoulder.

"Will you sit with me then?" He asked, trying to pull her away from the water, towards the mast of the ship.

"Hmm." She hummed, turning to look at him over her shoulder. "I don't know."

His fingers crept along her waistline and she bit back a laugh.

"If you tickle me I will throw you over board."

"Good thing I can swim."

Edmund laughed as Diana squirmed in his grip, trying to get away from his tickling fingers. She bit her lip to keep laughter from spilling out.

"Fine! Fine." She gasped, writhing in his grasp. He laughed, the sound shattering the quiet night sky. "I'll sit with you."

He pulled her onto the deck next to him and they sat with their backs against the mast.

Edmund grabbed her hand, running his thumb along her scarred skin. She rested her head on his shoulder.

"You should stay." She whispered after a minute of silence. "When your mission here is over, you should stay."

Edmund didn't know what to say. He knew all too well that he wouldn't be able to stay, no matter how much he wanted too.

"We could get married." She whispered. A small smile took place on her face as she fantasized exhaustedly about their future. "And have a family."

"How many kids?" He asked, dodging her question. If she realized he did, she didn't show it.

"Three." She hummed. "One girl and two boys."

"That sounds perfect."

Diana closed her eyes.

"They'd have your eyes, of course. But my hair. Black is so much better than white, don't you think?"

She couldn't answer. She was already asleep.

Edmund gave a small smile but it disappeared quickly.

You should stay.

There was no way he'd be able to stay. He understood that now. His time in Narnia was coming to an end.

It dawned on him then. This trip would be the last time he'd see Diana.

His Diana. His smart, strong, trusting, beautiful Diana.

How could he leave her?

He shrugged an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his side as she shivered in the night air. He pressed a kiss to her forehead.

Diana would be strong. She would go on, continue to fight for Narnia for as long as Narnia needs her. But she wouldn't move on. She couldn't. Edmund knew that, everyone knew that. Even deep down, Diana knew that she wouldn't be able to be truly happy without Edmund.

They'd loved each other for so long.

For fifteen years after the defeat of the White Witch, they lived together. They loved together. And then Edmund disappeared and they kept loving each other despite being worlds apart. And then there they were, sitting together on the Dawn Treader and sailing towards an unknown darkness.

They'd always stick together.

They came from different worlds but they were made to exist together. She was the calm, and he was the storm. One always came with the other. She was the light, and he was the darkness. One couldn't exist without the other.

Edmund wasn't meant to live without Diana. He knew that.

They were made for each other.

Soulmates were rare to find. But there they were, sitting on the deck of the Dawn Treader, lying under the stars. With each easy roll of the waves, Diana sunk deeper into a trusting sleep as Edmund hugged her tighter.

For a moment, they could just be Edmund and Diana. Not Edmund the Just King or Diana the protector of Narnia. For a moment, they could just be regular teenagers in a normal relationship.

A tear slipped down Edmund's cheek. He turned away, looking towards the stars.

It felt like they were laughing at him. They just kept shining, no matter what. He was almost bitter with them for not being covered by clouds. Maybe then he wouldn't feel so insignificant.

Maybe then he could come up with a solution to fix all their problems.

A/N: heh hey guys. please don't kill me. I know I haven't updated in a long while. School has been stressful and I lost motivation for a bit. But I'm back and hopefully I can get a few more chapters out this weekend! I know this was really short and I'm sorry but I just wanted to say that I am still working on this story and new chapters will be out soon! I love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2021 ⏰

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