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The streets had been full of people, clapping for King Caspian and his crew

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The streets had been full of people, clapping for King Caspian and his crew. The town had been saved from it's horrid slave traders and those willing to sacrifice their neighbors.

Caspian had allowed the man whose wife had been taken to board their ship and join them, as they were now going to continue their search for the Lords of Telmar, but also try to figure out how to stop the horrid green mist.

That night, as the crew slept peacefully, Diana was awake, much like she always was. But this time, her mind was plagued by the memories of the night before. Of how it had gone terribly wrong.

She'd come out alright in the end, but the trauma was there. Something had never affected her so much. Not even her mother's death.

Everything suddenly felt like a mirage. Like she was hallucinating it all. Those hours she had spent locked up and alone had affected her more than they should have.

She was in Edmund's arms as he slept, her head pressed against his chest while she listened to his heart beat. He was real, he was there, he wasn't going to let her go.

Yet she knew that she'd be alone again. Some day, her friends would be gone, Caspian would die. Reepicheep would die. Everyone she had grown to love over the years had always died.

They always left her.

She didn't want them to leave her anymore.

Silent tears rolled down her cheeks and she buried her face further into Edmund's chest.

Suddenly, she sniffed and reached a hand up to wipe the tears away.

She'd signed up for this. She'd offered herself for this. She'd agreed to this. She'd done this to herself.

It was Narnia she was protecting, that she'd been protecting. It was always for Narnia.


Diana watched in amusement as Eustace chatted away to a bird. Edmund sat next to her, cleaning the sword that Lord Bern had given Caspian. Kindly, Caspian had gifted it to Edmund. The Pevensie boy took a lot of pride in that act and had spent his every free moment scrubbing the thing clean.

Lucy sat on a barrel on the other side of the deck, patching up a hole in her vest. The skies were gray and the sea in a mood. The ship rocked with every wave.

Diana turned her attention away from Eustace and looked to Edmond, who was using a dagger to pick hardened sea salt and foam off the sword. He glanced up at her, shooting her a smile before pulling a damp rag from his back pocket and scrubbing at the metal again.

"It's looking nice." She told him and he smiled again. "You've done a good job with it."

He chuckled. "I can't say that it's very fun, but it does give me something to do."

Diana Montgomery and the Dawn Treader || E. PevensieWhere stories live. Discover now