She was the calm. He was the storm. Wherever one went, the other followed.
In Narnia, three years had passed since the Pevensies had left the second time. In that time King Caspian X and Diana Mo...
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Diana was beyond thrilled to have Edmund and Lucy back in Narnia, though she had no clue to why they were there.
At the moment, they stood in the cabin's map room. Edmund had entwined their hands almost immediately after they all changed into dry clothing and still hadn't let go.
When they first had started their mission, nearly two months ago now, Caspian had given Diana his room so that she wouldn't have to sleep below the decks with a bunch of men who had no ties whatsoever to anyone back home.
Diana had thanked him, but she rarely slept. She always had bags under her eyes but she never felt tired. She just kept going and going like she had done for years before Edmund had come back for the second time.
Now, Diana had given her room up to Lucy saying that she and Edmund could just share a hammock, which made him smile.
"Since you left us, the Giants of the North have surrendered unconditionally, thanks to Diana." Caspian said with a smile. "Then we defeated the Calormen armies at the Great Desert."
"There's peace across all of Narnia." Diana told them.
"Peace?" Edmund asked, looking up from the map.
"In just three years." Caspian answered with a confident smile.
Lucy brushed some hair out of her eyes and wiggled her eyebrows. "And have you found yourself a queen in those three years?"
Diana snorted and Caspian shot her a glare.
"No, not one to compare with your sister." Caspian responded.
"What aren't you telling us?" Edmund asked him with an amused glance.
"The giant queen had the hots for Caspian." Diana said with a smirk, patting her friend on the shoulder. "Proposed a marriage alliance and everything."
Edmund laughed. "What did you say?"
"Well, I politely declined." Caspian said, shooting daggers at Diana who just smiled cheekily.
"I thought he was going to throw up."
Drinian coughed, steering them back to the topic at hand. And that wasn't the one about the giant queen's marriage proposal.
"So if there are no wars to fight, and no one's in trouble, then why are we here?" Edmund asked.
Diana had been wondering the same thing.
"That's a good question. I've been asking myself the same thing." Caspian told him.
"So, where are we sailing to?"
"Before I took back the throne from my uncle, he tried to kill my father's closest friends and most loyal supporters–the Seven Lords of Telmar." Caspian turned, motioning to a wall where he had nailed up drawn pictures of the lords.