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"Are you sure you're eighteen?" The recruiting man asked Edmund

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"Are you sure you're eighteen?" The recruiting man asked Edmund. Edmund fidgeted with the sleeve on his coat nervously.

"Why, do I look older?" Edmund asked smoothly, despite the nerves coursing through him. His eighteenth birthday was next week, though Lucy couldn't understand why he couldn't just wait. The man tried his best not to roll his eyes and stuck his hand out. Edmund handed him his national registration papers, trying to keep a small smile off his face. This was the farthest he'd ever gotten.

"Alberta Scrubb?" The man asked haughtily. Edmund silently promised to kick himself later for not grabbing the right papers.

"It's a typographical error." He responded quickly. "It's supposed to be Albert A. Scrubb."

"Edmund," Came a voice, followed by a sigh. Edmund turned over his shoulder and glared at his sister. "You're supposed to be helping me with the groceries." Edmund turned back to the recruiter, hoping the man would think Lucy was talking to someone else.

But the man closed up the papers and handed them back to Edmund while the man behind Edmund started to laugh.

"Better luck next time, eh, squirt?" The man said with a laugh and Edmund grumbled angrily under his breath, fixing his hate before following Lucy from the building.

"Squirt?" Edmund scoffed, taking a box of groceries from Lucy's arms. "He barely had two years on me! I'm a king... and I've fought wars... and I've led armies!"

"Not in this world." Lucy said gently, loading their bike basket with more groceries.

"Yeah." Edmund said in annoyance. "Instead, I'm stuck here doing battle with Eustace Clarence Scrubb." While he was talking, Lucy's eyes caught a young couple talking in the distance. The girl was laughing at what the boy was saying to her. "If anyone deserves such a name." Edmund continued. He paused when he saw Lucy twirling a piece of hair around her finger. "What are you doing?"

She jumped, letting her hand fall and looking back to Edmund who was looking at her as if she was going insane. "Nothing." She assured quickly. Panicking slightly, she grabbed the handle bars on the bike from Edmund and started walking away. "Come on, then!"


Edmund opened the door for Lucy and she rushed inside, carrying the groceries.

"Hello, Uncle Harold." She said cheerfully. "I tried to find some carrots but all they had were turnips again." She set the groceries down on the kitchen table, shrugging off her coat before turning back to her uncle, who sat in a large recliner in the living room, holding up that morning's paper so that no one could see his face. "Shall I start making soup?" Lucy asked. When the man didn't respond she continued on. "Aunt Alberta's on her way home."

He coughed.

"Uncle Harold." Lucy said with a demanding tone. When he ignored her again, Edmund rolled his eyes and stuck his tongue out immaturely at his uncle.

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