Chapter 11

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I walked out onto the training field the next morning, Jimin by my side. I had wanted to inspect the guard and check on their training. The lead trainer was running them through drills and I watched in silence for a moment, looking for any weaknesses. I was happy when I saw none. This group of men worked harder than any group I had seen in a long time. I noticed a young man with dark brown hair that I had not seen before. I pointed him out to Jimin. "Who is he?" I questioned.

"That is Jaehyun. He was a last minute admission to the training program," Jimin explained.

Although normally I would expect any new admissions to come through me, I trusted Jimin's judgment whole-heartedly. "What made you decide to admit into the program? Especially since most have been training for weeks," I asked.

Jimin ran a hand through his hair. "Jaehyun approached me two weeks ago asking to be admitted to the program. I explained that he would have to wait for the next round since the program had already begun. He departed and I thought that was the last of it," he said.

I gestured for him to continue, curious at what made him change his mind.

"Jaehyun came to me again three days ago. He told me he was worthy of the program and that he could prove it," Jimin said then let out a laugh. "He challenged me to a fight."

I shook knowing that a challenge against Jimin could be a potential death sentence. Although slight in stature, Jimin possessed strength unmatched by most others.

"He almost beat me," Jimin admitted, looking a bit embarrassed. "With a bit of training and focusing on isolating his skills, this one could definitely be a force to be reckoned with."

I let out a laugh at his admission. "Jimin? The strongest man I know? Being beaten up by a scrawny teenager?" I asked, my voice filled with mock horror.

Jimin returned the laugh and punched me in the arm. "Careful there Kookie," he said using a nickname from when we were kids. "Size doesn't always equal strength."

I nodded. He definitely had me there. Jimin could easily take down men that were several inches taller and more than a hundred pounds bigger than him.

A flash of pink caught my attention and I saw YN crossing the field, her lady's maid, Emira, at her side. The princess had on a pink silk shirt and a pair of black dress pants. She approached Jimin and I and we bowed. "Good morning princess," I said politely.

"Good morning Jungkook. Good morning Jimin," she said, her voice gentle and kind. "How are the both of you this morning?"

Jimin nodded in response. "I am good princess. And you?" I asked.

"I am doing well, thank you," YN replied. "How is the training coming along?"

I pointed my arm towards the men on the field. "I believe it is going well. They have been working hard and their efforts are showing," I explained.

YN gazed at the men and pointed out Jaehyun. "Who is that young man?" she asked. "I don't recognize him."

I was once again impressed at the way the princess knew all the faces of the guard. "You are correct princess. That is Jaehyun. He is new to the training program," I said. "He was added last minute since he almost took down Jimin."

YN let out a musical laugh that carried across the field, halting the men in their progress. I could see Jackson's face light up at the sight of his beloved princess. "Someone almost took down the famous Jimin? This can't be true," she said, a smile on her face.

Jimin blushed at the princess's teasing tone and Emira let out an amused snicker. "Uh... unfortunately tis true your highness," Jimin said, his eyes downcast in embarrassment.

"Well if he was able to almost beat our strongest then he must be good. I am pleased with the late entry. Very smart choice Jimin. You have done well as usual," the princess said, her praise causing Jimin to stand up straight and smile in pride at her words. "May I meet the new young man?"

"Of course your highness," Jimin said, a bright smile on his face. The embarrassment he felt at her teasing was erased at her complimentary words. He held out a hand in the direction of the guard. "After you."

YN and Emira made their way across the field. The princes stopped in front of Jaehyun and his eyes widened at her presence. "May I know your name young man?" she asked, her voice gentle.

Jaehyun's face flushed bright red. "It's Jae... Jaehyun your highness," he replied.

"Well Jaehyun, from what I have heard, it is an honor to have you in our training program," she said, her voice sweet.

"No your highness. The honor is all mine," Jaehyun said bowing.

"I trust you will train hard?" the princess asked.

Jaehyun bowed again. "Yes. Yes of course your highness," he said.

YN turned to Jackson who was standing a few feet away. "Good morning Jackson. It's lovely to see you again," she said.

I wanted to laugh out loud at Jackson's reaction to her. I thought he was going to melt into a puddle at her feet. "Good morning your highness," he exclaimed, his voice a couple octaves higher than usual.

"I must be going. Thank you for giving me a few minutes of your time," the princess said. She turned back to Jaehyun. "And Jaehyun? I look forward to seeing you complete the program. Good luck and welcome."

Jaehyun bowed once again. "Thank you your highness. I won't let you down," he said.

"I'm sure you won't," the princess replied. She turned to Jimin and I. "Excellent job with the guard. You have done an exceptional job and I am grateful for you both." Jimin and I blushed at her praise. It was not something we were used to receiving from the royals.

"Thank you your highness," Jimin replied as we both bowed in gratitude.

As she headed back across the field with Emira, I listened to the conversation between Jaehyun and Jackson. "That was the princess? She was so nice. She came over to meet me!"

"Just wait until you see her again and she remembers your name," Jackson replied, recalling his first two encounters with the princess.

I heard Jaehyun's gasp of shock at Jackson's words. "The princes will remember my name? I think I'm in love," Jaehyun exclaimed.

I laughed at his words. Join the club there buddy I thought to myself.

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