Chapter 30

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I sat there at the table with Jimin, Emira, and Taehyung, listening to the conversation about the plans for tomorrow. The coronation was scheduled to take place at high noon, followed by a ball. If everything worked out right, the coronation would not take place. The only concern at the moment was the reaction from the people. They were not going to be pleased when the information about their crowned prince and future king was revealed.

"Are you sure about this?" I turned my attention to Taehyung, curious about how everything was going to take place. Part of me felt guilty for asking him to betray his brother in this way, but the other, larger part of me knew this was the right thing to do. There was no way the people would trust a king who had been so long lying to them, for treating their beloved princess so poorly. The people had fallen in love with YN and for her to be humiliated the way she had been was absolutely despicable and I knew the people were not going to stand for it. They would remain loyal to her over their prince any day. With Taehyung standing behind her, I was hopeful that everything would be all right.

Taehyung nodded at my question and it was the last reassurance that I needed, calming the last of the fears in my heart. "Yes. I am quite certain. With the way my brother has treated his sweet wife, I couldn't imagine condemning her to a future with him that would result in nothing but unhappiness and disloyalty. One that consists of a mistress that treats her so poorly and that behavior being allowed. There is not way I will allow that to continue." His voice was strong and his tone was serious and I knew right away that he had no qualms about this, about the events that were going to take place in just a little over twenty-four hours.

"How did your contact manage to get the footage for tomorrow?" Emira asked, her eyes curious. "It's very... personal." At her hesitation, I wondered exactly what they were discussing.

Taehyung shrugged. "I'm not really sure and I'm not even sure that I want to know. It was something he spotted in the village right after the wedding. Soobin and Mina were dumb enough to let it happen in a public place that was surrounded by security cameras."

At his words, I shuddered, realizing exactly what they were talking about. "Are... are you going to show that to the public?"

Laughing out loud, Taehyung shook his head. "No. We're only going to reveal it to the heads of state. There is a short portion, a more family friendly version that will be showed to the people. It's just enough to get them to question the loyalty of Soobin to his wife. Something to put that doubt in their minds."

I let out a sigh of relief. I didn't think they were going to broadcast such an intimate moment, but at this point, I wasn't sure. As the head of security, I had been kept in the dark about most of the plans. It was the easiest way to make things happen and for it to not come back on me. I couldn't be punished if I didn't know what was happening. It had been Taehyung's idea to keep me out of the loop. The only request that had been made of me was to be prepared with Sugar Holly since YN would need and want to be removed from the chaos that would quickly escalate.

I had spoken to Kai about it and he was going to make sure Sugar Holly was saddled and ready to go. Apparently Kai was completely on board with everything going on. He had even arranged somewhere for me to take YN, which would be revealed once we were clear of the coronation. I had to admit I was only a little surprised that Kai had been so willing to help with everything and get YN out of here. YN had managed to steal his heart, along with mine so it wasn't too shocking that he would be so willing to put his neck on the line for her.

Once the truth of Soobin's infidelities to his wife was revealed, I was afraid shit was going to hit the fan, both in the village and within the palace walls. The villagers were not going to be happy when they saw the pain and suffering their princess was being subjected to. The trip to the village just recently was proof of that. To see the way everyone gravitated towards her, wanting to be graced with her presences was astounding to see. Of all the royals I had ever met, YN was certainly the sweetest, the most caring. As she mingled with the villagers, never did she once treat them like anything less than people, people she truly cared about.

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