Chapter 29

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The morning before the coronation I woke up much earlier than I had planned. I hadn't slept well the night before since I had been thinking of my wife and how to make her fall in love with me. I could see by the look on her face that she clearly hated me and I couldn't stand it. Whenever she looked at anyone else, her beautiful eyes were filled with warmth, but the second she turned to me, they turned as cold as ice, freezing me out and refusing to let me in.

I knew Mina was confused by everything happening lately and my lack of attention to her, but I couldn't help it. The idea of being intimate with the blond made my stomach clench in uneasiness since my feelings for her had faded to nothing. I should have known from the beginning that Mina was not right for me. She could never be my queen, no matter how badly she wanted it.  And her behavior over the last few days was absolutely abhorrent. I was stunned with the way she treated YN but I guess I couldn't be surprised since I had allowed it from the beginning.

After I showered and dressed, I headed into the dining room to have breakfast with my wife. YN was already there with Emira and the man that arrived yesterday. He was seated next to YN and was laughing about something. He whispered something to her that made her blush and part of me wanted to beg him to tell me how he was able to make her cheeks turn such a pretty shade of pink.

"Good morning YN," I said sweetly as I sat down next to her. She had on a shirt the color of butter and it complemented her beautiful skin perfectly.

YN turned to me, a polite smile on her face. "Good morning. I trust you slept well?" Her voice was soft but there was no kindness to it, just cold politeness.

"I did. Thank you for asking. Did you?" This was one of the longest conversations we've had and it made me a little hopeful that things could be better between us that we could have the marriage I know she had originally wanted.

The man next to her snorted at my question and YN turned pink, elbowing him in the side, making me wonder just what had happened. Had he... had he spent the night with her? Spent the night doing the things with her that I wanted to? "I would like to talk to you about after the coronation. Perhaps moving your... your things to my quarters?"

YN's face paled at my question and I could see instantly that she wanted to refuse the offer, refuse me and it fucking hurt. "May I please think about it?" Her question was soft and her eyes were filled with something I couldn't quite explain.

Knowing it was going to take more than that to win her heart, I nodded my head. "O-of course. Whenever you're ready." I looked down at the table, not wanting her to see the tears that pricked my eyes, making them burn. It wasn't like me to tear up about anything. I just wasn't that kind of person, but YN's clear dislike of me made me feel things I didn't want to feel. Made me feel a hurt that devastated me.

When I looked up again, YN had already turned her attention back to her friend and the warm smile was back. She laughed out loud at something he said, the sweet musical sound filling the room.

Mina walked into the room at that moment accompanied by her father and sat down next to me. "Good morning," she purred, her voice sensual and low. "You didn't come to me last night."

A snort from beside me indicated YN had heard but chose to say nothing. I turned towards my wife, but surprisingly enough, there was no hurt in her eyes, just amusement. It was just another indication that she didn't care for me, that maybe I had really messed up. Maybe for good. I shook my head, trying to dismiss the thought. I would win her heart if it were the last thing I did.

Turning my attention to Mina, I tried to keep the disgust out my voice. "I was tired. I fell asleep early." The truth was I had been up late, tossing and turning. I debated on going to YN's quarters, attempting to try and make things right with her, but changed my mind at the last minute.  As I caught the conversation next to me, I was suddenly happy that I didn't.

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