chapter #40

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The exams are finally over, so we can get ready for training camp during the summer. It was the morning after the finals, I woke up with a sore feeling in my ears. The blankets over my body pool at the edge of the bed as I get up to get ready for class today.

It will be an easier day class since we just got done with our finals, after completing my normal morning routine, I walk downstairs to meet dad.

"Morning," he greets me as he's getting ready to leave.

"Mornin' Dad," I yawn, we get our things and walk out of the house to the car.

"Everyone's worried that they're not gonna go to the camp because they failed," I tell Dad as we're walking into the school.

"Pff," he wipes a hand over his nose to cover his small smirk.

"Go ahead, I'll meet you in there," he places a kiss on my forehead, then walks down the hall.

I open the door to the classroom and see a few of my classmates in a group, near the front.

"I'm looking forward to all for stories of how fun camp was!" Mina cries defeatedly.

"Maybe there's some last-minute twist!" Izuku tries to comfort her.

Mina then sees me, she then comes over and collapses on my shoulder in tears while going on about how she's going to miss me and how I have to text her every hour.

Denki starts to freak out, resulting in poking Izuku in the eyes.

The door flies open,

"Once the bell rings you should be in your seats," he tells us sternly.

We all scramble to our seats, I try to hold back a laugh.

"Unfortunately, some of you did not pass your practical exam," Dad starts as he walks to the front of the class. "But everyone's going to training camp!"

I can see the 'smile' on Dad's face as he announces that fact.

Dad goes into an explanation on how some of the teams failed, and of course Sero.

"Mr. Aizawa! This is the second time you have lied to us!" Tenya abruptly stands with his hand up. "Aren't you afraid that we'll lose faith in you?!"

"That's a good point, I'll consider it," He gives Tenya a look before turning back to the class. "But, failure is failure. We've prepared extra lessons for the five of you."

He goes over the rest of the class before dismissing us for the day, he walks out of the room, leaving us to ourselves.

Everyone gets into small groups to talk, I head over to Tenya, Izuku, and Denki.

"Looks like we'll be at the training camp a full week," Tenya states as I walk over them.

"I've gotta find a bigger suitcase," Izuku says.

"Yeah, I don't even have a bathing suit," Denki points out. "Guess I need to buy some stuff."

Hagakure overhears and proposes that the class does a shopping trip.

Everyone agrees that it's a good idea, except Bakugou calls it annoying and Shoto can't go because he's going to be with his Mom.

The people that are going all get into a group and discuss the details of the trip. It's a new mall that none of us have ever been to before, this will be fun.

Tenya seems to be very excited to be hanging out together as a class, which makes me smile.

"You excited?" I slightly nudge him on the shoulder as we walk out of the classroom together.

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