chapter #14

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after we finish our food cloud runs back with Tenya's card than runs back off.

"how was your meal y/n?" Tenya smiles.

"it was really good and also you didn't have to pay, again,,." i give a weak smile back.

"No, I invited you, It would be rude to not pay and besides it's really no problem." he announces.

"I can't wait to officially meet your family Tenya, I hope they like me." I say. 

"oh Y/n they already do! you don't have anything to worry about," he comforts.

"aww thank you Ten."

"shall we get going?" he gets up and walks over to me while holding out his hand.

"we shall." I say happily as I take his hand in mine and we walk to the front of the cafe, I wave at the host and they give a small wave back.

Tenya opens the door for me and we walk into the warm summer air.

"its nice out today." I say while looking up to the sky.

"it really is, this way y/n." he leads me to a limo, it looks to be the same one that took me home last time.

he opens the door and helps me in and we both take a seat next to each other and put our seat belts on because Tenya values safety.

he can obviously tell that I'm nervous to meet his family.

"y/n it's going to be ok I promise you." he puts his hand on top of mine.

"I'm just really scarred they're not going to like me." I say looking at the tinted window I couldn't even see through.

"I'm sure they will, you're kind, you have a good humor, and you're beautiful."  he turns red.

"you mean that Tenya?" I turn scarlet and make eye contact with him.

"I do." he confirms.

he pulls me into a tight hug and he rests his head on my shoulder.

"we can always go somewhere else, like the garden if you want to take a break from my family."

"that would be nice Tenya, thank you." I say muffled

we both pull away as we hear the driver knock on the separator.

Tenya grabs my hand and helps me out of the car, we are now in front of a very beautiful mansion. I look around and the Neighborhood looks really familiar.

"Hey, what's the name of this community?" I look up at him.

"sunset, why?"

"omg Tenya I live down the street from here!!" I yell happily.

"wait how did I not know this sooner? did you just move in or something?" he asks confused.

"no Ive lived here for awhile its just my dad likes to lay low ya know." I explain.

"We should go inside, we don't want to keep them waiting." he looks at me seriously and I just nod.

he leads me into his house, still hand in hand, and we see his family in a sitting room next to a fancy stair case.

"im so glad you could make it y/n, we've heard a lot about you." a tall guy stands up that looks a lot like Tenya.

"thank you for inviting me!!" I smile at all of them.

"im Tensei, Tenya's older brother,  and this is my mother and father." he says introducing everyone.

"its very nice to meet you in person y/n." his mother gets up and walks over to me and holds her hand out for a hand shake.

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