chapter #36

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The sound of the door opening woke me up, I slowly opened my eyes and see Tenya still peacefully asleep.

"Good morning, some people will be here later to talk to you guys." the nurse announces.

"Oh, ok. Thank you." Izuku responds respectfully and I can hear him shuffle around, as well as Todoroki.

I loosen myself from Tenya's grasp and then slide out of bed.

"Y/n, where are you going?" Izuku looks at me concerned.

"just the bathroom." I rub my eyes and then put on the hospitals shoes.

walking to the other side of the room, I open the door, walk to the sink and slash some water on my face, with my good hand.

I turn around and see the bandage on my shoulder, then the one on my hand.

running my hands through my hair as I walk back to where all the guys are.

when I opened the door I saw that Tenya was now awake and sitting on the bed with his legs folded.

"Mornin." I say tiredly and go lay on the bed next to Tenya.

"Did you sleep, Midoriya?" Todoroki asks.

"No, not really." he says shyly.

"I figured. Me neither." he says quietly.

"thinking about that fight now, we did something pretty amazing." Izuku points out. "After everything that happened back there, it kinda feels like a miracle that we're even alive. with my leg messed up, I was an easy target. he probably could have killed me If he really wanted to."

"Yea, seems to me he let us live on purpose. I'm impressed though by you, Iida." Todoroki shifts his gaze over to me and Tenya. "He was actually trying to murder you, but you stood tall."

"that's not true. I was--" He says sadly, but is interrupted by someone opening the door. once again.

"Oh, so the inured youngins are awake." Gran Tornio says grumpily.

"Gran Tonio!" Izuku says happily.

"And manual, too." Tenya adds. I sit up to see a pro hero with a fish fin on his helmet.

"Idiot! I could yell at your for hours right now." Gran walks over to Izuku. "but before I do, you've got a visiter." he turns back around.

My eyes shift to the door, a very tall man with the head of a dog walks in, Hosu's chief of police.

"this is hosu's chief police." Gran announces.

we all stand up out of respect for him, Izuku trying to do the same, but he gets shut down.

"No, please stay seated, woof. So you're the UA students that brought down the Hero Killer, huh?" He says in a deep voice

"We are." Todoroki answers for all of us.

"I knew this was going to cause legal issues." I mumble and Tenya hears, he gives me a confused look as I pinch the bridge of my nose.

"Stain has some serious injuries. Severe burns and several broken bone, even some slashes." The chiefs eyes glance over at me. "Right now he's in the hospital under strict guard, woof. Here's a lesson you should have already learned. when quirks became the norm..." He goes on about how the hero laws cam to be and how it against the law for us to have used our quirks.

"Now wait a minute. If iida had not stepped in, Native would've been murdered. And if not for Midoriya, both of them would be dead. No one else even realized that the Hero killer was in Hosu. Are you saying we should have just stood by and watched people die!?" Todoroki says angrily.

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