Chapter #10

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Today is the day of the entrance exams. I think while I lay in bed not wanting to get up, then I think of all people I'm going to see and all the people I have already become friends with.

I have met Tenya, me and him have become close and I feel like we just understand each other and he's so respectful, nice, and handsome.

I have met Mina she is really cute and is very sweet. I really hope we get into the same class because that would be REALLY cool.

I met Katsuki, I mean he has a little tiny bit of an anger issue but I feel like we could get past that and become better friends.

I met Enjiro and he seamed like a really cool guy, he was working at hopttopic so how much more cool can he get.

I have no idea what is going to happen today and to be honest I'm nervous, I'm going to see uncle Toshi for the first time in awhile. I wonder if he'll recognize me?

as I lay in bed with my eyes closed I can hear the foot steps coming down the hallway to my room, I assume it's just dad but then when my door opens it's all of them. Nem, Dad, and Zashi.

"GOOD MORNING!!!!!" They all yell, while rushing in my room.

"Mornin." I mumbled threw my blanket and pulled it over my head.

"you really need to get ready we have to leave for UA in about an hour or so." Dad informs while coming over to sit on the edge of my bed then putting a hand of my shoulder comfortingly.

"wait I though we had a little more than and hour?" Zashi asks confused. then dad checks the clock in my room and nods.

"I'll help her get ready," Nem offered then the guys walked out, letting us be. "ok, we need to get something really cute together for you to wear!!" she says while poking me through the covers. I pull them off of me and sit up.

"I'm hungry." I say while rubbing my eyes.

"yea, but you need to get dressed first young lady!" she says while shaking a finger jokingly.

"yes ma'am, do we really have to be there in an hour?" I ask.

"maybe like an hour and a half." she shrugged, I got out of bed and we both went to go rummage threw my closet.

"Nem, I know you might not like this idea, but, what if I wore what we bought for my date? it was a really nice outfit and I really liked it." I rub the back of my neck nervously.

"I normally wouldn't go for doing that, but this is an exception. and plus I washed it for you this morning!" she informs.

"yayyyy!! lets go get it." I say the last part with a serious look on my face.

"ok, but like we need to seek to the laundry room and get it."

"I have a plan Nem, so what if you go get it while I do my makeup? so that way we could get it done a lot faster."

"Good Idea n/n!!!!" she exclaimed.

"1... 2... 3... lets go!!" I countdown and she rushes our of my room and rush over to where I have my makeup and I start my art.

I start to put on some moisturizer than realize that would get rid of I haven't slept in 10 days look. so then I just move on to some light foundation and then I move on to my eyes. I take out my favorite eyeshadow pallet and get to work. I put some dark purples and some black under my eye then move to my eyelid. I put some purple in the inner corner and then some black on the rest, I then put on some eyeliner and then some mascara. done.

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