chapter #33

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Tenya took off his jacket once we reached the receptionist lady.

"Hello, my name is Tenya Iida, this is Y/n Aizawa. we're here to see Tensei Iida." Tenya informs them formally.

"ok, just let me get you guys checked in. Your family already gave us your names so you don't have to fill out any paper work." they say while typing something into their computer.

she gives us the go ahead and the directions to the room, Tenya grabs my hand takes off with me.

"Please don't run in the hallways!" she says concerned.

this isn't like Tenya to go against rules.

we run and make our way to a stair case and keep running up it, we make it to a hallway and we can see Tenya's mom sitting out side a room.

"Mom!" yells and we rush up to her, Tenya's out of breathe and I stand by his side with a respectful bow to his mom.

"Oh! Tenya! y/n!" she says worriedly and stands up.

"How is Tensei doing?!" Tenya ask while panting.

Tenya moves past her and opens the hospital room door as me and his mom stand behind him.

"Brother!!" he cries and I glance around him and see Tensei hooked up to like 10 different machines and nurses monitoring him.

"Tenya, keep you voice down and put on a mask." his mother puts a hand on his shoulder and I can see the horror on his face.

the nurses explains what's happening to him and Tensei opens his eyes.

"Little brother? is that you?" he is barley able to say.

his mom starts to cry and then falls to the ground on he knees.

I look to make sure she's ok before rushing to Tensei's side along with Tenya.

"Tensei, your going to be fine!" Tenya cries as he grips on to the beds railing and stands over his injured brother.

"Sorry. I was supposed to be someone look up to and respect, but look at me." tears well up in Tenya's eyes and just seeing the brothers like this shatters my heart. "Tenya.. Little brother... I'm so sorry. I failed you."

"Tensei!" Tenya's voice breaks as a river of tears flow down his face.

I can't help but start to sob with him.

I tilt my head down and grab the railing and cry out loud with him. By the time we were all done crying it was very late. The doctor came into the room and said it was time for everyone to go home.

"we can't just leave him!!" Tenya cries.

"you all can visit again tomorrow, you both are still students and need to get your rest." the doctor urges.

"y/n, is your father ok with you staying out this late?" Mrs. Iida asks.

"yea, he's worried about Tenya and Tesnei." I step back and let Tenya say his goodbyes from the night.

"your is your father? you said he was a rouge hero, right?" she asks as we watch in pain as Tenya cries.

"Eraserhead, he's our homeroom teacher as well." I say weakly.

"Oh my! you must be very talented, I always knew you were." she says in a motherly tone.

"you have to watch the sports festival, I'm sure you missed most of it. I think it would mean a lot to Tenya if you did. although you might not want to watch my last fight." I say quietly enough so that Tenya can't hear.

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