chapter #35

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my phone alarm went off like always and I got out of bed, reluctantly.

I got in the shower and did my normal morning routine, getting my hero uniform and putting it on I slip my phone into my back pocket.

"It's Shoto." I hear a knock at my door.

"one sec." I finish putting on my makeup and then rush over to my door and open it.

"We're going on a work trip to Hosu today." he says as we walk down to the elevator.

"Maybe we'll see Tenya there." I rub my eyes tiredly.

"I've been worried about him, ever since his brother he's had a look of resentment on his face." he tells me calmly as we get closer to the first floor.

"I've noticed that too. I was talking to him the other night, he thought I was upset with him. he's not thinking clearly." I say worriedly.

"I know how resentment can make people act recklessly." We walk out the agency's huge doors and turn to walk down the street.

"Me too. I told him not to do anything stupid, let's just hope he listens." I sigh.


We ate our breakfast at an expensive cafe, covered by Endeavor's credit card, Shoto stole.

"You sure he's ok with you using that? I mean I have my Dad's card but like..." I look at him paying for our food.

"it's fine, he doesn't know I have it." he puts on a calm smile.


We walk back to the building and see Endeavor waiting for us in the reception area.

"Where were you?" he asks angrily.

"We went to breakfast, father." Todoroki says with no emotion.

"We're leaving for Hosu now, we won't be back till late. you ready?" Endeavor says in a grumpy tone.

We nod and walk back out onto the street.

"Where are we heading now?" I Whisper to Todoroki as he stands next to me and we watch his father walk in front of us.

"Hosu." he responds simply

"no, I mean like a train station, car, helicopter?" I flick his shoulder.

"I think we are going to patrol here first by the look of it, then take a train to hosu later." he answers.

"When we get too Hosu, we are searching for the hero killer. y/n, I heard you were attacked by him, tell me about it." Endeavor says in an angry voice.

"I was with my father, we were on a roof, scanning the area for villains, while our family was in the store under us. I had a hearing quirk activated so I could hear him running towards us before he was even there. He didn't attack us at first, he though me and my Dad were petty thugs. when we wouldn't answer his questions he attacked us, finding out who we really were." I explain.

"You and your father are the only people to come out of his attacks without any serious injuries." he states.

I nod in response and the day quickly passes by, we only had to break apart a few civilian scuffles and then we headed to the train station.

"it's those kids from the sports festival!" some lady says excitedly.

"that's not just anyone, thats Eraserhead's and Endeavor's kid." Some guy tells her.

"Her name is Y/n, right? did you see her fight, she's brutal." some guy interjects

"tsk." Endeavor glares at them as we get onto out train.

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