chapter #25

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I wake up and crawl over dad to turn off my alarm, waking him up in the process.

"mornin." he mumbles.

"mornin." I say and he ruffles my hair and I get off the couch and wake up Nemuri and Mic.

"get up, we all have to be at school soon remember?" I shake them.

"i'm up i'm up, Hizashi get up." Nem kicks him off the couch.

"NO!!" he falls face first onto the carpet and me and dad start dying.

"I- i'm sorry for laughing, are you ok zashi?" I crouch down next to him while Nem and dad go to make coffee in the kitchen.

"i'm fine." he says muffled.

"ok i'm going to go get ready." I pat his shoulder than run upstairs, thats the most sleep i've had in awhile.

I take a quick shower, brush my teeth, and wash my face, then did my makeup.

I get a clean uniform out of my closet and went back downstairs grabbing my bag on the way.

all of them were now in their hero costumes and were having breakfast, dad threw a pop tart at me and I caught it in my left hand.

"thanks." I take a bite and he nods.

"what are we going to be doing today?" I sit on the counter next to Nem.

"were going to be training at USJ." Dad says tiredly.

"good thing we got some extra sleep then." I take another bite of my breakfast.

"you guys have fun, I have to get going, see ya later." Nem hops down and blows a kiss.

"Byeee!!" I wave and so does Zashi and dad just nods.

"Zashi what are you doing today?" I finish the pop tart.

"making some epic English lessons for you kids!!" he says happily.

"oh god." Dad takes another sip of his coffee.

I laugh and grab an energy drink from the fridge and open it.

"can you clean y/n's room the last time I went in there her dirty clothes were every where, and can you take her uniforms to the dry cleaners?" Dad looks over at Zashi.

"I can clean my own room dad." I furrow my eyebrows.

"I want you to focus on school, plus Yamada doesn't have to go into school until later in the day." dad explains tiredly.

"if you say so." I take a sip of my drink.

"I will happily do the job." Mic says loud and proud.

"we should get going n/n." dad put eye drops in his eyes and tosses me the bottle I put two drops in each and go to through it back to him.

"keep it, I have some I left in the car." he walks out of the kitchen.

"k, bye zashi, thank you in advance for everything."  I give him a hug and he returns it.

"No problem n/n, see ya later." he smiles and waves as I follow after my dad.

we get in the car and I put my backpack at my feet.

 I turned on one of my dads favorite bands and we just listened to it all the way to school, with the occasional small talk.

we drive by the front of the school to see mass amounts of press and dad immediately pulls over and calls Hiazashi.

"Hey, Yamada I need you to get here immediately, ... , Yea ill haver her teleport you here, where are you in the house? Ok, she'll be there soon." he hangs up. "y/n you didn't drop the teleportation quirk did you? he's in your room."

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