chapter #44

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The morning came too quickly, we all spent the rest of the time we had off settling into our rooms, the night before we went back, Dad visited and brought me a new phone. I could finally stop asking my friends to borrow theirs.

Tenya and I spent most of our time in one another's rooms when he wasn't busy tending to his duties as a class rep.

After waking up and getting ready for class, Tenya dragged me with him, early as ever. We got there before most of our classmates and Dad. I sleepily sat at my desk with my phone resting in my hand, Tenya was standing in the front waiting for everyone.

The bell rang as class finally started, "I believe I said this already, but your main focus this summer is to get your provisional licensing, do not take this lightly."

Dad explains the seriousness of the topic, how difficult the exam test is. "Today you'll be creating something new, two ultimate moves."

Cementoss, Ectoplasm, and Nem walk into the room as Dad states that we will be working on moves.

"You're moves represent who you are," Nem says. "Almost every pro these days have an ultimate move."

"We'll explain more throughout the day, go change into your hero costumes, then me us in Gym Gamma."

The teachers left, leaving us.

"With your quirk, you're going to have a hard time making an ultimate move," Izuku said as we walked to the locker rooms.

"I was thinking about that, do you have anything in mind, Y/n?" Tenya said, his hand tightening in mine.

"I already have most of it planned out, I just need to master them, pretty simple on both but efficient," I explain to them, Izuku started writing in his notebook.

"You also have the knowledge of the ults with the quirk you copy," Tenya smiles.

"Yeah you're right, there's just so many options," I sigh, I let go of his hand before walking into the locker room.

The girls smiled and talked as I walked through.

Today I didn't really feel like doing anything, I don't know if I've still recovered from being with the league of villains. I know I feel a lot fucking better than when I was captured, but my thoughts are still scattered.

I can't let anyone know, maybe Tenya... But then he would be too worried and I would distract him too much. I don't want to get in anyone's way.

Dad already knows that I have almost completely mastered my quirk, and I have solid footing with my ultimates. I can't be making excuses for myself, though.

As these thoughts go through my head, I'm mindlessly slipping on my hero costume and walking out with my class to the gym area. The only thing that isn't blurring past me is Tenya's face.

He walks beside me, confident with himself, making me feel a little better, absorbing the kind energy that's radiating off of him. As we make it and the teachers explain the field, Tenya asks a question, the answer has already been explained to me many times, I can almost recite it.

"One thing is especially important," Midnight speaks now. "If you want to be a pro hero, you must be able to prevail in battle."

"In addition, you should be thinking of ways you can improve your costumes, now that you have a better understanding of your quirks," Dad explains.

I've been thinking of changing my hero costume, now that I've become stronger, and more of a hero, this dress doesn't really live up to the name assassin, does it?

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