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Jisoo likes to believe that she's pretty observant. She can tell whenever someone's moved her milk around in the fridge (it's usually Chaeyoung trying to fit all her snacks), or when the cushions have been rearranged the slightest bit (thanks to Jennie's daily cleaning habit) or even notice when Lisa's not washed her hair from a mile away.

She has some good observational skills and she takes pride in that.

It's hard not to be so observant of her members. She's known them for almost a decade, been around them constantly; they've shared nearly every breathing moment with another. Sometimes she can even see how everyone's personalities rub off on one another. Whether it was Lisa's enthusiasm rubbing off on Chaeng, or Jennie's sarcasm on Lisa, there's always tiny bits of them absorbed by the other.

It was through this that Jisoo formulated the perfect partner for her members- not that she's ever mentioned it to any of them. It's more of a secret she's kept in her head for a while now.

For Chaeyoung, it's someone who can pull her out of her shyness, someone who's patient enough to reassure her. Someone who can feed her at every hour of the day because everyone knows that food is her first love. Someone who shares the same enthusiasm she has for music. Someone who's in it for a good laugh, can give Chaeng something to react to.

Lisa on the other hand, she needs someone who can keep her on her toes. Lisa's always been relentless and up to something- and that something isn't always the most safest thing to do (i.e. The Balcony Incident of 2018). Yet she also needs someone who can ride along with her goofiness, someone who can bounce along with her humour and never get tired of it. Someone who can provide her the intimacy that she needs because Lord knows how touchy-feely she can be. And someone who can understand the hecticness of her work.

(The last one is for all of them, really.)

That's why Jennie seems like the perfect type for Lisa. Jennie can ground Lisa and Jisoo's seen it unfold in her own two eyes. Jennie's patient with Lisa and knows how to calm her down during Lisa's pre-show panics. Jennie can ride along with Lisa's goofiness without showing any irk of irritation even when she playfully calls her annoying.

Jennie's the perfect fit for Lisa, but Lisa? Lisa isn't for Jennie.

Jisoo knows Jennie well enough to see that Lisa isn't entirely compatible with her. She knows Jennie like the back of her hand.

That's why Jisoo can easily tell with Jennie's tense body and constant sighing, that tonight's sleepover isn't like their regular nights. Tonight, something is clearly bothering her best friend.

It goes like this:

Jisoo's laying in her bed playing games when she notices Jennie sighing for 7th time that night. They've been laying in Jisoo's bed for an hour now.

"You wanna tell me what's up?" She finally says, hoping Jennie will finally spill what's bothering her. Jisoo keeps her eyes focused on her switch, she knows that the sudden attention on Jennie might intimidate the younger girl in not speaking.

She hears Jennie moving about in her bed, but she pretends not to notice.

"Are you upset with me?" She hears Jennie ask quietly.

Jisoo pauses her game and turns her head to the side to grab a look at her best friend.

"Why would I be upset?" Jisoo asks curiously.

"Because I kept it a secret from you." Jennie replies.

Jisoo gives her a confused look. Is this about her and Lisa?

It's been a couple days since Hawaii and things still remained the same in the dorm. She thought dynamics would have shifted since the revelation, yet things were normal. The only difference being Jennie and Lisa exchanging kisses when they thought nobody was looking- it's kinda cute, but Jisoo will never give them that satisfaction.

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