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"Hey Jendeuk," Jisoo calls out.

They're laying in her bed, back's facing each other. Jisoo's 5 minutes from completing her game and Jennie's watching something on her phone.

She assumed that her time with Jennie would become a lot less since the news of her and Lisa dating, yet here she is instead.

Prior to Jennie dating, nights like these weren't uncommon. Nights where they enjoyed the silence of each other's presence while doing their own thing. Nights like these often ended with Jennie falling asleep next to her without much of a question.

But now, despite Jennie having her own room (and her girlfriend's apartment), she still sometimes chooses to sleep in Jisoo's or at least stays there until she feels sleepy.

Jisoo doesn't understand why Jennie chooses to do so, or how she manages to equally spend her nights at Lisa's, Jisoo's and her mother's place but yet she pulls it off.

(Honestly, Jisoo rules it as her best friend having major separation anxiety from her.)

"Hmm?" Jennie hums in response, still busy on her phone.

"What do you call a group of penguins in Seoul?" Jisoo asks.

"What do you call what?" Jennie asks, this time turning round to face Jisoo's back, while still remaining focused on what she's watching.

"What do you call a group of penguins in Seoul?"

"What?" Jennie asks.

"Lost." Jisoo replies, eyes still focused on the game as she almost completes the round.

Jennie snorts and bursts into laughter, smacking Jisoo's back in the process, jogging her arm.

"Yah! You're making me lose!" Jisoo says as she tries to scoot away from Jennie's hand.

"Unnie! How do you even come up with these on the spot?"

Jisoo shrugs. She always blames it on being the youngest in her family. Being the youngest just made her naturally playful.

(But if someone were to sit her down and really ask her for a deeper reason, she'd confess that her humour is what she used to defend herself from the relentless teasing she got from her relatives. She'd confess on how she heavily relied on her humour each time they'd say something mean about her appearance.

— jokes on them now though. Who's the visual of their group again?)

Jennie's always loved her jokes. Jisoo can't quite recall a time where Jennie didn't laugh at her jokes. The younger woman finds almost everything she says or does completely hilarious.

It's a talent.

But it's a talent she's always hoped for in a potential partner for her best friend. Someone who can make her little Jendukie laugh and smile effortlessly for the rest of her life.

And to be fair, Lisa ticks that box.

It's no secret that Lisa is funny, hence why they both get along so well. They share the same brain waves in many things, espeically when it comes to humour. As the youngest in her family, and Lisa as the youngest of the group, they both share the same amount of playfulness- sometimes, Lisa more.

She's seen the way Lisa's made Jennie laugh. Though the younger woman's jokes will never be up to par with her own, she still does a good job at making Jennie laugh.

(Even when Jennie pretends to be annoyed at the younger girl's antics.)

But humour isn't the only thing that Lisa possess.

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