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— chapter twenty three: i love you —

"so this is it huh?" mark asked taeil. the man nodded and stood up. they formally shook hands and despite cringing horribly, mark felt also somewhat content.

this had been his last therapy session. taeil had advised him to keep on with his boxing lessons as they would prevent from any potential bottling of emotions but the actual therapy was done now. it felt weird exiting the office for the last time. four months the alpha had been going here every saturday and now it was over.

outside he was greeted by donghyuck who had been doing grocery shopping while mark had his last session. the omega greeted his mate with a bright smile and cheered "yay! you made it."

mark chuckled at the boy as he was clapping his hands together at a fast pace causing the bags of groceries to fly around. mark gave him a side hug and together they walked home. it was quite a walk but they didn't mind as they talked the whole time.

"you know i've been thinking." mark said making donghyuck turn his head to him. "what if we moved out. i mean i'm done now right? so therefore i can move out of the apartment because taeil-hyung doesn't have to keep an eye on me. and made enough money already for our own apartment." he continued. donghyuck nodded and added "also we wouldn't have to walk in on johnny-hyung and doyoung-hyung anymore. what a blessing."

mark erupted in laughter. donghyuck was right since the two older males seemed to always forget that doyoung had his own room so they always started making out on the couch which had let to several very awkward moments.

"let's ask taeil-hyung later if we can drive around a bit and look for apartments." donghyuck suggested after they both had calmed down. mark agreed, being excited. he had his drivers license for a while now but never had the chance to buy a car. he didn't need it anyways at the moment so it would only be an unnecessary spending.

"but we'll probably have to convince him. i don't think he trusts my driver's license that much." mark joked and the omega giggled at him.

they arrived home and donghyuck prepared to work in the cafe while mark went upstairs and put the groceries in the fridge. he spent the afternoon meeting up with his friends which he was now allowed to see. they met up at the cafe, donghyuck serving them. of course mark couldn't keep his eyes of the boy and for that he received a lot of teasing from his hyungs. he didn't mind and for johnny it was easy to tease back.

also he came to notice that taeyong and jaehyun were now quite close. he hadn't seen the two together in a while so it was really conspicuous. he exchanged a look with yuta who gave him a little smirk as if to say 'no, you're not seeing wrong'. mark nodded and a grin tucked at his lips when he saw a few hickeys on taeyong's neck. he turned to johnny to see if the older had noticed however as he should've seen it coming, johnny's eyes were on a certain bartender who was working right now.

"you're so in love with him, it's disgusting." mark commented, nudging johnny's side.

"you can't talk. you should see the way you're looking at donghyuck. just as disgusting." taeyong chirped in with a bright smile.

"okay but then you don't get to talk either. you're looking at jaehyun in just the same way." yuta noted and everyone laughed except for johnny who only looked at them in confusion as he obviously had been somewhere else with his thoughts.

time passed by fast and soon enough it was time to say goodbye. mark felt happy finally having seen his friends again. after he had brought them outside where each of them went their own way, he walked up the stairs into their apartment.

taeil was already home, seemingly exhausted. mark didn't want to bother him for too long so he simply said "hey taeil-hyung, could i ask for a favour?"

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